Postdoctoral Fellow 

at The University of Tokyo.

Nice to Meet You

Originally from Kolkata-India, I recently moved to Tokyo, Japan for my postdoctoral research after completing my Ph.D. from Central University of Rajasthan.

I joined Central University of Rajasthan (CURaj) in 2016 to pursue my Master's degree in Physics. After completing the degree, I started my research career as a Junior Research Fellow for a project at CURaj and discovered my interest in research. In 2019, I enrolled for Ph.D. in the department of Physics at CURaj. Since then, my research has been focused into studying complex dynamics in the light of machine learning techniques. Specifically, I have been exploring an emerging computational framework named 'Reservoir Computing' to study dynamical systems. After my graduation, I recently joined The University of Tokyo, Japan as a postdoctoral fellow.

As a tech lover, I enjoy exploring new innovations in cutting edge technologies and engineering marvels in various fields. I have a passion for travel and hope to visit different parts of the world. I'm always open to new experiences, cultures, and ways of lives.