Swampland Seminars

An online series of seminars and open-mic discussions

This is a series of zoom seminars and events about Swampland-related topics. We are interested in uncovering the constraints that EFTs must satisfy to be consistently UV completed in quantum gravity. Everybody is welcome!

Online seminars take place every two weeks on Tuesdays at 11:00am (Eastern USA) / 5:00pm (Central Europe) / 8:00am (Western USA) since 2020.

Mailing list

You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive bi-weekly announcements of upcoming seminars as well as the zoom link:


Youtube channel

All the seminars (excluding the questions) are uploaded to our youtube channel:



Miguel Montero (IFT Madrid)

Ethan Torres (CERN)

Irene Valenzuela (CERN)

Max Wiesner (Harvard CMSA)