If a Creature with this special attack begins its turn with an opponent grappled in its mouth (see Grab), it can attempt a new Combat Maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite Damage. Unless otherwise noted, the opponent can be up to one size category smaller than the swallowing Creature. Being swallowed causes a Creature to take Damage each round. The amount and type of Damage varies and is given in the creature's statistics. A swallowed Creature keeps the grappled condition, while the Creature that did the swallowing does not. A swallowed Creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon (the amount of cutting Damage required to get free is equal to 1/10 the creature's total hit points), or it can just try to escape the Grapple. The Armor Class of the interior of a Creature that swallows whole is normally 10 + 1/2 its natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity. If a swallowed Creature cuts its way out, the swallowing Creature cannot use Swallow Whole again until the Damage is healed. If the swallowed Creature escapes the Grapple, success puts it back in the attacker's mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again.

"That's really not a good idea. You never know what kind of nasty diseases or the like a potential target for such a thing might have. I thought maybe you were trying to do some sort of 'safety hug' sort of thing to protect fallen party members -- which would be kinda neat."

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Even if you could, that's got to be super weird. Technically, the swallow whole ability says unless otherwise specified, you can swallow whole one size category smaller than you. So a Medium character could swallow a Small character. I'm just imagining now a human stuffing a grade-school sized child into his mouth, like some vore fetish. Eww.

Tyrant Totem, Greater (Su) (Ultimate Wilderness pg. 36): While raging, the barbarian gains swallow whole as per the universal monster rule. A barbarian must be at least 12th level to choose this rage power.

Powerful Shape

Source Ultimate Magic pg. 1 Prerequisites: Wild shape class feature, druid level 8th.

Benefit: When in wild shape, treat your size as one category larger for the purpose of calculating CMB, CMD, carrying capacity, and any size-based special attacks you use or that are used against you (such as grab, swallow whole, and trample).

No, the best a druid can do with wild shape is Beast Shape III, and this does not list swallow whole as one of the abilities that can be gained when the druid assumes the form of an animal. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) GM_Starson Jul 24, 2018, 10:06 am 1 person marked this as a favorite. Huh, weird. Figured with the wording on powerfulshape that it was implying that something could do it.

Looks like that language is there because it's something that could be done to you that is governed by relative size differences, rather than done by you. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Malefictus Mar 28, 2024, 02:08 am I know I'm late to this discussion, but I was looking up ways to swallow whole for a build I was making... which luckily works out SUPER well with Tyrant Totem! I am making an Adaro Flesheater Barbarian named Bruce...he claims to be vegan, and has changed from his evil past... but anytime combat has started, the second he see's blood, his moto of "People are friends, not food" is forgotten and he turns into a psychotic shark-man trying to shove everything and everyone down his throat! At least until after combat where he becomes melancholy and promises to change and never do that again! hahaha it'll be a fun throwback to a great movie...

But anyways, the reason I was commenting was because I noticed no one mentioned an Archetype called Gingerbread Witch from 'Horror Adventures'... it gets things like the Child Scent Hex, the ability to make a Gingerbread familiar, she can make candy in her cauldron, and then at 12th level gets a bite attack with the grab ability as well as swallow whole (so long as it targets a creature at least 1 size category smaller then you)... so if it is paired with enlarge person it works out pretty well for medium sized creatures... although it is an archetype thematically tied in with eating children, so it would probably not work out very well in 99% of gaming groups, except as the antagonist of a story or something! But it IS an option that gives swallow whole if thats all you're after

However, I'm still curious to find more "elegant" ways this might be done, with a minimum of template use and questionable rules interpretations. For example, there might be a monster type out there that I've missed that has level adjustment listed and already has the swallow whole ability, or there might be a class or prestige class that can get it directly in some way. (The summoner can, for example, but it's still not exactly the summoner getting it, but only getting the benefit of it via the synthesis ability.)

The feats Racial Heritage (Human) and Gluttonous Gobbler are the path of least resistance for a typical Pathfinder character. For the typical D&D 3.5e campaign, were this player to want desperately his PC to have the special ability swallow whole at the earliest opportunity, he would try to convince the DM to include in the campaign the Pathfinder feats Racial Heritage (Human) and Gluttonous Gobbler. If the DM were unmoved, then he'd just play a druid.

The most convenient way of acquiring such an effect is likely the phylactery of change (Arms and Equipment Guide 135) (11,200 gp; 0 lbs.) that grants the wearer 1/day the ability to use an effect like the spell polymorph as a level 7 caster except with an unlimited duration. Likely unbalanced in contemporary play, the phylactery predates the 3.5 revision therefore is subject to "minor adjustments" by the DM (Dungeon Master's Guide 4). Compare the phylactery with, for example, the skin of proteus (Expanded Psionics Handbook 176) (84,000 gp; 2 lbs.) that grants the wearer at will the ability to use an effect like the psionic power metamorphosis (which likewise can grant the ability swallow whole) as a level 7 manifester.

The remorhaz (Monster Manual 214-15) is a Huge magical beast with 7 Hit Dice, a +11 natural armor bonus, and a burrow speed in addition to the special attacks improved grab and swallow whole, making it a decent form for the aspiring swallower save for the creature's lack of additional attacks, nonhumanoid shape, and inability speak.

This author is not taking sides on this issue, but, instead, merely presenting the concept that there's a possibility that the DM may rule that the rogue special ability feat doesn't require the creature to meet the picked feat's prerequisites. Flame wars over this issue have plagued the game since its publication. This author suggests approaching the DM with this possibility cautiously, perhaps after the DM's had a few drinks. Further, this player recommends not abusing it if it is allowed. If the DM says Sure, go ahead and take any ol' feat with the feat special ability, the player should strongly consider picking a dumb but fun and difficult-to-acquire feat like Gape of the Serpent (or, for example, the feat Baleful Moan (Libris Mortis 24-5) or Touch of Hate (Player's Guide to Faern 177)) rather than, for example, a potential or actual gamebreaker like Epic Spellcasting (EL 55) (for a rogue 10/sha'ir 1 (Dragon Magazine Compendium, Volume 1 51-7), obviously); Mark of Avernus (Fiendish Codex II 84); Metamorphic Transfer (XPH 48); or Perfect Multiweapon Fighting (EL 64).

For example, a human Clr1 that possesses the template half-minotaur (Dragon #313 94-5) so that she retains her humanoid type but has the size category Large and that's been affected by the 1st-level Sor/Wiz spell enlarge person [trans] (PH 226-7) followed by the 5th-level Sor/Wiz spell permanency [univ] (PH 259-60) (costing at least 2,960 gp) so her size category is Huge and that possesses Constitution 19 or higher (hence at least Con 13 before modifications) and the feat Skill Focus (Diplomacy) (PH 100) and that takes the domain Hunger (Spell Compendium 275) so that she gets a bite attack finally meets the prerequisites for (and can use!) the feats Snatch and Improved Snatch. Then it's a matter advancing a level while the subject of the 2nd-level Sor-only spell essence of the dragon [trans] (Races of the Dragon 112-13) so her type is dragon and taking as that level, for example, the first level of marshal (Miniatures Handbook 11-13) because "[i]f [she] alreadyhas the feat [Skill Focus (Diplomacy)], [s]he can choose a different" feat and taking the elusive feat Snatch and Swallow.

All told, with an exceptionally ridiculous character background and 260 gp of debt, a buck naked just-entering-play half-minotaur human cleric 1/marshal 1 (ECL 3) that takes 1 flaw could have the feat Snatch and Swallow. However, to actually use the feat would require first drinking a potion of essence of the dragon (2nd-level spell at caster level 4) (400 gp; 0.1 lbs.) or another method of regaining the type dragon like, for instance, employing a similar wand (again, 2nd-level spell at caster level 4) (120 gp/charge) somehow (for example, the granted power of the domain Magic (PH 188) is of no help with such a wand) or mucking about with the feat Momentary Alteration (Unearthed Arcana 94) as described in this answer.

a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage for a Medium witch. As a full-round action, [the gingerbread witch] can make a single bite attack that deals double base damage (2d6 for a Medium witch) and functions as if she had the grab and swallow whole special attacks, allowing her to grab and swallow a creature of her size or smaller. 152ee80cbc

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