Trees: Basic Needs


Grade: 1st

Topic: Life Science

Standard: 1.LS.1 Living things have basic needs, which are met by obtaining materials from the physical environment.

Students will be introduced to a plants basic needs, then draw tree ring for the age and describe how they grew


  • Introduction: Nearpod lesson. Alternative: watch a short video that is one part of the nearpod lesson.

  • Short video introduction to tree rings. Includes an intro to the activity.

  • Activity for students

  • Quiz


  • Paper plate or a sheet of paper to raw tree rings on

  • Pencil, crayon, or marker for drawing tree rings



Nearpod Lesson with interactive components for students: Download the lesson to your nearpod account. You can sign up for a free version if your school doesn't have an account already. You can set the lesson as student paced, or as a live participation lesson

Alternative: Watch video on tree needs Song (1:03)


Now that we have seen what trees need to live we are going to learn how this can affect their tree rings, it’s your turn to make a tree ring for your age.

Gather your materials:

  • Paper plate or a sheet of paper to draw tree rings on

  • Pencil, crayon, or marker for drawing tree rings

Watch this video on tree rings. It will show you what we are going to do for the activity.

Make your tree trunk: Draw a big circle (if you are using a plate, you don't have to as the plate will be your circle).

Draw your tree rings:

  1. Your age will determine the number of rings you have to draw. If you were 100 years old, you would need to draw 100 rings. Luckily, you aren’t this old.

  2. Remember your tree ring spacing will be different if you have grown fast or slow.

Wrap Up

Write the story of your life of a tree.


Quiz - Google forms


Reading These readings about sand are free with registration on ReadWorks, a nonprofit that provides Common-Core-aligned readings. All readings include comprehension questions.

Interactive Slide Shows


Questions? Please contact your county SWCD educator