Fossils- Clues to the Past


Grade: 2nd

Topic: Life Science

Standard: 2.LS.1: Living things cause changes on Earth.

2.LS.2: All organisms alive today result from their ancestors, some of which may be extinct. Not all kinds of organisms that lived in the past are represented by living organisms today.

Students will explore Ohio fossils and learn connections between extinct and extant animals. They will become familiar with types of fossils found in Ohio and how to create their own fossil mold.


  • Watch Fossils-Clues to the Past presentation (11:26)

  • Fossil Activity

  • Extensions


  • Play dough or modeling clay

  • Small object (may be an actual fossil, shell, or anything with a distinct shape)

  • Elmer's Liquid Glue


Presentation - Watch Fossils - Clues to the Past (11:26)

(Prezi Video presentation can be shared directly into Google Classroom)

Activity - Make a fossil mold and cast

Student activity page - follow these instructions to create your own fossil mold and cast

Schedule a follow up virtual Q&A with your county educator to answer further student questions!


Reading These readings about fossils are free with registration on ReadWorks, a nonprofit that provides Common-Core-aligned readings. All readings include comprehension questions.


Questions? Please contact your county SWCD educator