Dress Like a Beaver


Grade: K

Topic: Life Science

Standard: K.LS.1: Living things have specific characteristics and traits. Living things grow and reproduce. Living things are found worldwide.

K.LS.2: Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival. Living things are made up of a variety of structures. Some traits can be observable structures. Some of these structures and behaviors influence their survival.

Students learn about busy beavers and learn about how physical traits help them live in their environment.


  • Short video of Beaver facts and "Dress Like a Beaver" Activity

  • Short video "I'm a Beaver"

  • Activity Sheets


  • Student worksheets

  • Glue sticks

  • Scissors (to cut out vowel sounds for matching game)

  • Pencils, crayons, or markers for completing activity sheets


Video- I'm a Beaver -animated video (2:00)

At Home Activity: Build your Own Beaver Costume!

After watching the "Dress Like a Beaver" Video, look around your house for materials that work like the beaver body parts.

Let's Review-

-flat tail

-webbed back feet

-big orange teeth

-brown fur

-ear flaps

Take a picture of your beaver costume and send it to your teacher!


Questions? Please contact your county SWCD educator