Here Today, Gone Tomorrow


Grade: 4th

Topic: Life Science

Standard: 4.LS.1: Changes in an organism’s environment are sometimes beneficial to its survival and sometimes harmful.

In this lesson students will learn about Ohio wildlife and how wildlife populations have changed in Ohio over time. Learn status categories of extinct, extirpated, endangered, and threatened.


  • Watch Here Today, Gone Tomorrow presentation (14:14)

  • Student Activity

  • Get Outside! Activity

  • Extensions



Watch Here Today, Gone Tomorrow presentation (14:14)

(Prezi Video presentation can be shared directly into Google Classroom)

*Option for teachers- Instead of viewing the recorded presentation, you can choose to present this power point to your students yourself during class. Here is the PPTX with presenter notes to download for use.


After the Here Today, Gone Tomorrow lesson, have students review the Ohio Wildlife Fact Cards. Then have students select a species from the Ohio Endangered Species List (see Materials). Students will research the species (Ohio Department of Natural Resources Species Guide is a great source) and create a list of known and possible changes to the environment that they think affected the decline in the population. Brainstorm possible ways to help conserve that species. Share their findings with their teacher and classmates.

*Schedule a follow up virtual Q&A with your county educator to answer further student questions!

Get Outside! Activity

Most of us live in an area (whether rural, suburban, or urban) that has gone through changes due to human activity. Look around where you live and think about how the area has changed over the last 200 hundred years. Observe for 15 minutes and record what wildlife you see. Make a journal entry answering these questions: (Note- point out that this is a critical thinking exercise. The goal is not necessarily to be correct, but to be thinking about it!)

  • Why can these species co-exist with humans?

  • What human changes were GOOD for the animals seen?

  • Do you think this type of animal has always been here? (Why or why not)

  • What changes could be made on your property to help wildlife?

Go over journal entries with the class and generate discussion.


Questions? Please contact your county SWCD educator