Sutton Coldfield Fuchsia Society & Gardening Guild

We are a friendly Society, all members having the same aim - to promote the cultivation of the fuchsia and to spread and increase our gardening knowledge.  In March, a specific variety of fuchsia is made available to members. Advice is given on how to grow the plant into the desired shape. We then ask them to bring it back again to our Annual Show (see Programme) where it is entered into  the appropriate class.  

The monthly meetings take place on  the second Thursday of each month (see Programme) with the exception of January. Doors open at 7.30 p.m.for an 8.00 p.m. start, finishing at 9.45 p.m.  Plenty of accessible parking and refreshments are always available.

We hold monthly competitions where we ask members to bring in plants or flowers from their gardens, a different one for each month.  All of this is on the programme of speakers which every member has (see also Programme).  We have speakers from all over England giving advice, and we also have our own experienced members on some occasions.  

Every year we take part in displays at local carnivals where we sell plants to gain funds for the Society.  We also have a raffle each month to pay for the speakers.

So, whether you have years of experience under your belt, or you are a complete  beginner, come along and join us. A very friendly group of people are waiting to make you very welcome.

Contact Club Secretary Gail Barber on: 0121 353 3373/07307857440

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Monthly competitions

Grow  a fuchsia in an unusual container

Superb succulents

Depict the fuchsia name