The Pink Pistols is an organization geared towards helping the LGBTQIA+ community in getting educated on personal safety, firearms training and self defense.

The Susquehanna Valley Chapter was founded in Summer 2019 by a group of like minded people who wanted the opportunity to get together, train in the safe and responsible use and ownership of firearms and help others do the same.

Members visit firing ranges and gun shops in the Susquehanna Valley including Trop Gun Shop in Elizabeth Town PA and Morr Range in Willow Street PA. We have our closed Facebook group at and we can be reached via email at

We will soon be hosting meet ups for breakfast/lunch/other and then scheduling some range time at one or more of the local ranges. If you're interested in participating with us, please email us at for more information.

Not all members of the group are Out or Open about membership, firearm ownership and other information. Respect the rights of the individual and do not share personal information without specific permission to do so.