Ordo Sus Piperatum

In 488, after the triumph of six Salisbury knights against all odds to win the loyalty of Somerset for Logres against better prepared and larger parties from Cornwall, Silchester and Cambria, the Earl of Salisbury petitioned King Uther to be allowed to create a formal Order of Knights.

Permission was granted and the Ordo Sus Piperatum was created. Membership of the order is restricted to knights who, outside of their normal duties set out and achieve great glory for Salisbury, who defy the odds, face death and still triumph.

A membership gives the knights powers and responsibilities. When they strip their heraldry and wear the order's cape and brooch, they are no longer considered themselves. They are Salisbury herself, and they answer only to the rightful ruler of Salisbury, and only if they do not believe he is under influence of another who they have not formally sworn fealty to.

The Order exists to further the cause of Salisbury and her interests, and every time a knight dons the garb, he is beholden to only act for the county. Only the rightful ruler of Salisbury may elevate new members.

Any actions taken by a knight while they represent the Order are outside of the normal laws of the land, though, this is not widely recognised outside of Salisbury. A knight cannot be legally tried or held responsible for their actions as Salisbury except by the rightful ruler, as long as he remains free from influence. The worst punishment that can be given is to be stripped of membership of the order. The order is responsible for it's own discipline, including sending a knight of the order to the rightful ruler of Salisbury for judgement.

All knights who don the cape are equal as brothers, no rank exists within the order.

At it's inauguration, during the Christmas Feast of 488, the Order was created with the following members, in alphabetical order:

  • Sir Amig (d. 496)
  • Sir Beldemence (Awarded Posthumously)
  • Sir Edric
  • Sir Elad (d. 496)
  • Sir Hogarth
  • Sir Hywel (d. 493)
  • Sir Jarren
  • Sir Kitto (d. 490)
  • Sir Morial (d. 490)
  • Sir Valens

Current Members (As of the year 496)

  • Sir De
  • Sir Edric
  • Sir Hogarth
  • Sir Jarren
  • Sir Joel
  • Sir Valens