Magazine cover

This work was the first of a collaboration between Brera Fine Arts Academy and Laboratorio Adolescenza, an association focused on researching on adolescence and youth. 

The collaboration consists in the creation of the covers of the next numbers of the magazine, "Laboratorio Adolescenza Magazine".

I was commissioned with the concept and creation of the cover of the first number and I had to draw something that reminded me of adolescence.

The work was realized using a mixed media technique: a gouache base followed by soft pastels and colored pencils and digital finishing touches.

After the first revision I was asked to change a little the design of the boy in order to make him look older, since he seemed too young in the first version.

All the adjustment where made using digital softwares and trying to stay closed to the traditional style of the drawing. 

The format of the piece was also modified to adapt to that of the magazine and the following is the final work, used on the cover.

If interested you can see the final result, as well as the whole magazine, at the following link:


Digital sketch

Traditional drawing

Digital adjustments