ARISE! International 

Survivor Mentor Program 

"To mentor is to touch a life forever."  Anonymous  


We envision a world where every survivor has a community of support. 

Mentoring Program Outline 

Date: Thursday, February 1, 2024

Location: ZOOM Video Conferencing 

Time: 7-8 p.m.  (CST)

Format: Open

Cost: Free - Registration required -Donations are Appreciated

Course Description

Our faith based mentor program is designed to serve as a bridge that connects survivors to a safe community of thrivers, as well as provide a supportive environment through education and resources to address and overcome the effects of sexual trauma.  This combination will supply an understanding of the recovery process in preparation for the forty five week support program through Shelter from the Storm© - Hope for Survivors of Sexual Abuse.  

The eight week course is offered on demand throughout the year beginning with orientation.  As registrations come in, groups form and start dates are set. Groups will meet every two weeks in order to allow participants time to read the chapter(s), answer questions from the workbook and view correlating videos. 

Course Objectives 

The primary focus of the group is to develop a support system to share and work through issues related to sexual abuse. After successfully completing the program participants will be able to—    

Required Resources 

Available at the following booksellers: 


Barnes & Noble 

Professional Counseling  

Participation in the Survivor Mentor Program is not a substitute for professional treatment, participants are required to be in counseling under a licensed professional.  Our groups are designed to compliment professional treatment. Sexual abuse  is an incredibly traumatic and life altering experience which leaves survivors looking at life and spiritual matters through distorted lenses.  It is the most personal and damaging form of betrayal that can have a huge impact on a person's mental health. 

Whether your experience happened recently or years ago as a child, it's never too late to get the help and support you need. Survivors may experience the psychological and emotional effects of sexual abuse throughout their lifetimes.  Counseling can be a helpful resource and a tool for healing and has been shown to alleviate symptoms related to sexual abuse. With counseling, survivors of sexual abuse are able to face their pasts and learn to move forward.  

Mandatory Documents

Participants are required to sign the following documents prior to joining the group—    


As a mentee, I am responsible for seeking out opportunities and experiences to enhance my learning, communicating regularly with my mentor and reviewing my progress regularly. 

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."   Maya Angelou

Course Outline 


Session 1 - Shattering the Silence 

Session 2 - Shattering the Silence

Session 3 - Overcoming Lies

Session 4 - Overcoming Lies

Session 5 - Accepting Freedom Through Forgiveness

Session 6 - Reaching Out to God 

Session 7 - Reaching Out to Others

Yes, I'm ready to begin my healing journey!  

Survivor Mentor Application