Surgical Hair Design 


What is Surgical Hair Design?

Surgical Hair Design prepares the hair on your head for an elective medical procedure when shaving is involved and places you in an optimal position for the hair to grow back with style.  I offer solutions best suited to your needs and assist with the hairstyle to grow out gracefully.

Look Good On the Outside -- Feel Better on the Inside!!

When you look good on the outside, you feel better on the inside!  A hairstyle is the first impression of one’s being. Hair plays a “huge role” in how a person feels about herself/himself physically and psychologically.

A surgical hair design provides solutions for sensitive needs that are relative to her/his appearance when hair-shaving is involved. Here are some reasons to incorporate Surgical Hair Design:


By taking an active approach to your recovery, you become an important team player with your healthcare professionals.


The overall experience and outcome are strengthened when a person contributes to their healing process. From the time the decision is made to have a brain procedure until the recovery is complete, one's psychological process is enhanced, coupled with a feeling of empowerment. There are affirmative impacts on every person emotionally who utilizes Surgical Hair Design. 

Unable to take advantage of this service before your procedure or need help addressing other head/hair-related issues? There are options available we can discuss to fit your unique needs.