DR SURESH SACHDEVA CLINICG-36, Sector 41, Near Prayag HospitalNoida 201301 (UP)Mon, Wed, Fri 11.30 AM - 1.00 PMMon to Sat 5.00 PM - 8.00 PM(Sunday Closed)
METRO MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITALL-94, Sec-11, Noida, 201301. U.P.Mon, Wed, Fri 10.00 AM - 11.00 AM

Dr. Suresh Chander Sachdeva
Consultant Homeopath
To book confirmed appointment,
OR send a message on whatsapp @ 9810486760




· Diabetes was known to ancient physicians, but ideas about their causes have evolved over the centuries and still remain uncertain. Chinese medical writings mention a syndrome of polydipsia, polyphagia and polyuria, describing diabetes mellitus. It was long thought to be due kidney disease. Later Von Mering and Minkowsky demonstrated that the cause lies in the pancreas.

· Major causes of Diabetes Mellitus

1. Lack of insulin

2. Presence of factors that oppose action of insulin

· The diabetic syndrome is characterized by an absolute or relative lack of circulating insulin. It develops as consequence of an imbalance between insulin production and release on one hand, and hormonal and tissue factors on the other hand. Hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels) is the hallmark.

· Some sort of autoregulation is already working without our being aware of it. This autoregulation is taking care of the insulin production, its amount, quality, release and distribution on its own through biofeedback mechanisms. Because of certain reasons, not clearly understood, something goes wrong in this autoregulation mechanism-producing imbalance resulting in hyperglycemia.

· This hyperglycemia may present

1. Asymptomatically : generally detected during routine check-ups.

2. Symptomatically : the classical presentation as polydipsia (increased thirst and dry mouth), polyuria (excessive urination) and polyphagia (increased appetite).

3. With short term and long term complications.

· The well known classification of diabetes mellitus is

1. Insulin dependent (Juvenile DM): Symptoms of type 1 diabetes usually develop over a short period. Typical symptoms include increased thirst and urination especially in the night, weight loss despite constant hunger, weakness or fatigue, blurred vision,abdominal pain especially in children, nausea and vomiting.

2. Non insulin dependent (maturity onset DM): The symptoms of type 2 diabetes develop gradually. They are not as sudden in onset as in type 1 diabetes. Symptoms may include: recurrent blurred vision, frequent infections, tingling sensation / numbness of limbs, generalized itching, itching in the genital area, slow healing of wounds or sores, fatigue etc. Many people do not show any symptoms at all.

· About 85-90% of all diabetes patients suffers from Type2 Diabetes and the remaining 10% from Type1 Diabetes.

· Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by high blood glucose levels. Ironically, one of the commonest complication of Type1 Diabetes is a state of low blood glucose called Hypoglycemia - Pale and cold skin, palpitation, nervousness, shaking of hands / Tremors, fatigue, extreme hunger, excessive yawning without cause, etc. And immediate solution is to give anything sweet/sugar preferably a sweet drink.

· Glycosylated hemoglobin test (Hb A1c test): It is a test with a memory, which narrates the blood glucose control for the past three months.


· Homeopathy as such a vital role to play in the cure and management of diabetic patients. Each of the diabetic patients presents this disease in a unique way of its own, the common thing being the higher blood sugar levels.

· Homeopathy considers “man in disease, rather than disease in man”. In other words it takes into account patient as whole- his immediate sufferings, past illnesses, hereditary tendencies, family history, emotional status as a whole(during illness and otherwise), liking and disliking in food, drink, temperature and weather etc and many more things to derive at a specific medicine for that patient

· Diabetic patients approach a homeopath in the following conditions;

1. When disease is discovered accidentally, like in a routine health check up. Generally asymptomatic phase.

2. Presenting with classical picture

3. Presenting with an overt problem pointing toward the possibility of disease and investigation confirms the disease.

4. Presenting an established case already taking regular allopathic medicines

· By constitutional homeopathic treatment the autoregulatory mechanism is modified in a favorable way, thereby showing improvements clinically and bringing blood sugar levels towards normalcy, thus reducing the complications and increasing quality of life.

· During CONSTITUTIONAL HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT, periodic blood sugar – fasting and PP (once a month), HbA1c (once in 3-4 months) should be done to monitor the progress. Cholestrol /lipid profile, fundus examination by eye specialist, kidney function tests, cardiologist opinion etc may be needed if and when applicable.

· When a diabetic comes to a homeopath, while he is on regular allopathic treatment, the first question he asks – Should I stop the allopathic medication to take homeopathic treatment? And our reply is: Continue your allopathic treatment as it is and start constitutional homeopathic treatment along with. In due course of time, as the things improve and blood sugar levels start showing normalcy, allopathic medication can be reduced gradually till it is no longer required. And this requires a lot of patience and perseverance not only from patient himself but from his family also.

· Diet restrictions should be followed strictly. All foods with high carbohydrates should be stopped. Dietary management is the most essential part of diabetes management.

· Thorough consideration should be given to exercise and long walks to improve general fitness. It is important to know which exercises to do and to establish a schedule for doing them. Aerobic exercises (such as walking, jogging, dancing) are the best choice. The benefits of exercise are multifaceted:

1. It improves utilization of glucose by the body cells and reduces blood sugar, thereby reducing the dosage of medication.

2. It enhances circulation of blood to different parts of the body. It also increases collateral circulation in the heart, consequently reducing the episodes of heart attack markedly.

3. Exercise induces a sense of well-being by enhancing formation of 'feel-good' hormones (endorphins & enkephalins).

4. It also improves stamina and reduces stress.