Surah Al-Fatiha is narrated in the Hadith to have been divided into two halves between God and his servant (the person reciting), the first three verses being God's half and last three being the servant's.[2] There is disagreement as to whether the Bismillah is the first verse of the surah, or even a verse in the first place.[3] The chapter begins by praising God with the phrase Alhamdulillah, and stating that it is God who has full authority over all creations (verse 1/2),[4] that He is Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim or the Most Gracious and Most Merciful (verse 2/3),[5] and that He is and will be the true owner of everything and everyone on the Day of Judgement (verse 3/4).[6]

The final three verses, which comprise the servant's half, begin with the servant stating that they worship and seek only God's help (verse 4/5), asking Him to guide them to the Sirat al-Mustaqim (the Straight Path) of those who God has been bountiful to, and not of those who have earned his anger (verses 5-6/6-7).[8]

Surah Fatiha

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[ira-llana anamta alayhim ghayri-l-mabi alayhim wa-la--lln(a)

7 the path of those You have favored, not those You are angry with or those who are astray.

The most commonly accepted view about the origins of the surah is the view of [Ibn Abbas], among others, that Al-Fatiha is a Meccan surah, although some believe that it is either a Medinan surah or was revealed in both Mecca and Medina.[25] Most narrators recorded that al-Ftiah was the first complete Surah revealed to Muhammad.[14]

I want to understand that why did Allah, may he be glorified and exalted, reveal Surah Fatiha in the first person. I had this doubt since some time but it developed more today when I read this as a so called -"mistake" in the Noble Quran by an anti-Islamic site. Astagfirullah but I am sure that I will get my answer In sha Allah.

The surah is a prayer. Had there been a '' (Say) in the beginning, just like the last two surahs, the objection wouldn't have arisen at the very first place. It would have meant that God took the initiative to teach mankind how to pray for guidance. However, a different style has been adopted here by dropping it. Why? Javed Ahmad Ghamidi offers an explanation:

we're going to talk about a few things. Again not at sea, but just a few points of reflection fromSoTL Fatiha tonight Bismillah, which actually covers some of the most fundamental aspects of ourDeen actually to consider some of the party had that we recite in every Salah, a summary of all ofIslam. So if somebody understands Sultan Fatiha properly, then they also have the ability to explainIslam to somebody else comprehensively, because it contains pretty much everything you need to know.Or you need to explain to someone to give them a full picture of what it represents.

And at the very least we have to translate a company that has Praise and Gratitude belong to Allah.At the very least you cannot really translate it praise belongs to Allah. And you can just translateit thanks belong to Allah. The word hummed includes two things, praise and gratitude. These are twovery separate things. Now Arabic has a word for either of them. You could say mud, or Santa forpraise. And you could say sugar for gratitude. So Alhamdulillah includes mother includes color, andit also includes sugar, it includes all of these things in one word. Now before we go any further,you have to understand the difference between praising a lie and thinking about. And before we talk

about a lot, let's talk about just generally these two terms. Someone who prays isn't necessarilysomeone you think. And someone you think isn't necessarily someone you think these are mutuallyexclusive things. In other words, for example, if you see a really nice car in the parking lot,you're not going to think the car, but you might do you might raise the car, this is a nice car, youdon't go over the hat, the car in the hood and say thank you so much You don't do that doesn't makeany sense, right? On the other hand, you have, you know, a situation, let's take a religioussituation. It's, it's obligatory on all believers. And this is not something new in our messengers,

We have to be grateful to our parents, we have to be grateful to our parents. Now, Ibrahim alayhissalam, of course, also has to be grateful to his parents. So he is grateful to as we know, as of hisname, the name of his father, as mentioned in the Quran, he's grateful. But does he praise hisfather does what the father does is it worthy of praise or criticism? What the father does should becriticized, it shouldn't be praised. So he's, he's grateful to him, but he's not crazy, right? Soyou can praise someone without thanking them. And you can think someone without crazy. These are thetwo different things. Now when we talk about Eliza when we say 100 we don't say a mother who was

sukru. Linda, we don't separate the two words we put them under one word, which is and this has veryprofound implications. It means everything that Allah does, we thank him for it. And everythingAllah does we at the same time, praise him for it. We don't do things for everything we know about alot. For everything we appreciate a lot about a lot so much. And we thank him for it. We praise himfor this changes our attitude towards Allah vary drastically from people of other faiths. You mayknow of Christians and other people of other faiths in your circles. You may even know some Muslims,we don't know they do very well. And sometimes they say things about God or say they say things

about a lot that are far from appropriate. Have you ever heard things like, if God is so great, howcome there's so much war happen? There's so much hunger, how come there's so much famine? How comethere's so much disease? How come there's so much chaos in the world? Where's God when all of thisis going on? I was actually on a flight. This is true.

story. I was on a flight back from Las Vegas. It was a clown conference, I swear. Okay, so I was ona flight back from Vegas and next to me was an old Jewish couple. And these are both very, they'reHolocaust survivors. Right? And they see me reading Quran and the old man, he says to me, why don'tyou read this to me, recited in the in this language, I'd like to hear it. So I recited some karate,and we started talking. It's a long flight back to New York. Right? So really long flight fivehours. So we're talking halfway through? Yeah, we believe in God, too. We also have faith and likehalf an hour into that conversation. Yeah, actually, I don't believe in God, what we started half an

hour ago, you said you have faith too. He said, Well, where was God when the Holocaust happened?Right. In other words, they're kind of in a conflict. On the one hand, they say they believe on theother hand, how can we believe if this and this happened, etc. Now the thing is, our first responseas believers is we understand that everything a lot is everything a lot is whether we understand itin our head or not. We are grateful to Allah for everything he does. And we praise Allah foreverything he does. Now the matter of understanding the wisdom in it, and the larger plan, we may ormay not understand. But we still have to have this attitude. Many times you may have heard this

The medicine tastes bad, right? The medicine tastes bad. But the mother when she gives them themedicine, when the child understands better, what are they gonna do? They're gonna think, right? Andthey're also going to praise. But at that moment, what are they doing? They're complaining becausethey don't know what else is going on. There are two worlds at work. There's a world you can seewith their eyes, and there's a world we cannot see.

Now we see things in Anima Shahada, we see the world the things in the world of the scene. And westart making complaints without realizing that there is another world, a world we don't see. Andbecause Allah sees both of them, and his plan is in conjunction with both of them. Whatever he does,we thank him for and we praise him for another wonderful thing about this beginning of the Fatiha iswe don't say, you know, the Hadith tells us that a lot as origin has at least 99 names right? Whenyou know many of them, but we don't say Al Hamdulillah Harlock Alhamdulillah Malik and hamdulillahhain Alhamdulillah Hakeem for you know, Praise, praise and gratitude belongs to the wise, the

knowledgeable, the powerful, the creator, we don't use any of those names, which one do we use? Weuse a lot. In fact, the how we use specifically Allah, and there's a profound benefit in that. Andthe benefit is, you know, if we thank Allah for being thanked and praised for being the harlot, thenthe only thing you're appreciating about him is that he created. If we say hum belongs to the wise,the only thing you thank him for is what is wisdom. That's it. If you say praise belongs to theMerciful, the only thing you praise and appreciate is His mercy. But if you want to praiseeverything about Allah, everything in one, the only thing you're left to say is what? Al Hamdulillah

all the other thing that's really interesting and unique about the way the language of the I've justgot phrase is structured. praise belongs to Allah as opposed to saying I praise Allah or we praiseAllah, you know, halfway down the fatty how we say bamboo iaca nabooda we enslave ourselves weworship, but we don't say that Mandala we praise Allah. Even though the Hadith says thatAlhamdulillah Allah Allah The McMurdo when we say we praise, so what's the difference between sayingpraise belongs to Allah, Praise and Gratitude belong to Allah and saying, We praise and we aregrateful to Allah. The difference between these is very profound. When we say we praise a lot, we

have not always been around, and we will not always be around. But the praise of Allah has alwaysbeen around and it will always be around. And when I say we praise the Lord, I praise Allah. Ididn't say anything about the rock and the tree and the sky and the earth and everything else thatpraises Allah right? I only talked about who, myself but when you say Alhamdulillah Praise andGratitude belong to Allah. It means for all time, all places in all instances of that praise belongsto Allah, whether we counted it or not, whether we do or not, praise still belongs to a lifeindependent of us upon Allah. This is a law's introduction to himself in the Fatiha and the very 152ee80cbc

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