Many Muslim doctors believe that reciting Surah Rahman cures heart disease. It is the most recited and special surah of the Holy Quran, also referred to as an adornment of the Holy Quran. It also cures patients of depression and anxiety.

Surah Rahman is the special surah of the Holy Quran in which Allah has listed His countless blessings. Allah loves this surah so much that it is also called the bride of the Holy Quran, which is a great honor for this surah.

Surah Ar Rahman Video Download

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Surah Rahman is a beautifully revealed surah of the Holy Quran, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him) during his early stage residence at Medina. It needs to be confirmed whether it is Meccan Surah (Makki Surah) or Medinan Surah (Madani Surah). Some scholars believe it is Medinan Surah, while others believe it is Meccan Surah (Makki Surah). If we talk about the majority of Muslim scholars, then it is obviously a Medinan Surah.

This holy surah also states that it is necessary to act upon the orders of Allah for success in this worldly life and the life hereafter. People on the righteous path and spend their whole lives according to the rules of Islam are those whom Allah will grant great ranks in Jannah. In Jannah, there will be wines, rivers of milk and honey, fruits and juices of every kind, and pure and untouched women as the wives of virtuous people.

Besides this, Surah Rahman is one of the greatest surahs of the Holy Quran and it brings one closer to Allah. It highlights the main motto of a human being in this world and the countless blessings that are awarded to human beings.

Whether it is Surah Yasin or Surah Rahman, start memorizing by splitting it into short parts. Memorize 3-4 verses daily. Try attaching this surah at your workplace. You can also learn from the Surah Rahman PDF for memorizing this surah fast

The title of the surah, Ar-Rahman, appears in verse 1 and means "The Most Beneficent". The divine appellation "ar-Rahman" also appears in the opening formula which precedes every surah except Sura 9 ("In the Name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy"). English translations of the surah's title include "The Most Gracious",[3] "The All Merciful",[4] "The Lord of Mercy",[5] "The Beneficent", and "The Mercy-Giving". In the fourth century CE south Arabian pagan inscriptions started to be replaced by monotheistic expressions, using the term rahmn.[6]

There is disagreement over whether Ar-Rahman ought to be categorized as a surah of the Meccan or Medinan period. Theodor Nldeke and Carl Ernst have categorized it among the surahs of the early Meccan period (in accordance with its short ayah length), but Abdel Haleem has categorized it in his translation as Medinan,[7][8] although most Muslim scholars place Srat ar-Rahman in the Meccan period.[9][10] According to the traditional Egyptian chronology, Ar-Rahman was the 97th surah revealed.[11] Nldeke places it earlier, at 43,[12] while Ernst suggests that it was the fifth surah revealed.[13]

for some reason, the thought of listening to surah Ar Rahman came to me. i put it on. i listened to the recitation by Abdul Rahman Al ossi (i know right, listening to Ar-Rahman by the slave of Ar-Rahman :) lol). here is the link to the youtube video:

But, this surah reminded me of what Allah SWT has given me. This surah reminded me of what I asked my Lord on the night I accepted my offer for premed here, and rejected all my med school offers back in the middle east. I asked Allah SWT:

The study empirically investigated the idea that Quranic verses (Surah Al-Rehman) can help manage depression. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, "Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Qur'an is Surah Al-Rehman." Surah Al-Rehman is the most rhythmic surah of the Quran, so it was used for our experimental study. The idea of the study was drawn from the premise that music therapy helps reduce depression. The objective of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of Surah Al-Rehman for managing depression in Muslim women admitted for treatment of major depressive disorder in a psychiatry ward of a government hospital. It was hypothesized that women diagnosed with severe depression in the treatment group will have reduced level of depression as compared to control group at post-assessment level. It was further hypothesized that the amount of decrease in depression in treatment group at the post-assessment level will be greater as compared to the control group. A purposive sample of 12 female patients diagnosed with depression was randomly assigned to the treatment group (n = 6) and control group (n = 6). Assessment was done at pre- and post-level by using Beck Depression Inventory-II. Both groups did not significantly differ on pre-assessment depression scores. Twelve structured group sessions of 22 min, two times a day, were conducted for a period of 4 weeks with the groups. Treatment group was made to listen to Surah Al-Rehman recited by Qari Abdul Basit, and control group was exposed to music used for relaxation and treatment of depression. Wilcoxon signed ranks test was used to find the within-group differences between pre- and post-assessment scores. Both groups had decreased level of depression at post-assessment level, so it was important to assess if there was any difference in level of decrease. Mann-Whitney U test for comparison of groups on level of decrease at the post-assessment level endorsed that treatment group had significantly greater decrease than control group on depression. Our study highlights the efficacy of Surah Al-Rehman as a remedy to reduce depression. The Holy Quran intones, "This sacred book is 'shifa' for its followers." Hence, we recommend that researchers should focus on finding remedies for other psychological and physical diseases from Quranic verses. An exploration of possible mechanism (such as activated cognitions or associated emotions while listening to Quran) through which effects of recitation are reached, can also be subject of investigation for forthcoming studies.

You may find some pseudo scientific proofs saying that this is related to the number 7 and creating a relation between the 31 repetitions and some picked verses of the surah as the first verse in which this is quoted is verse 13 and the letters of this verses are each time 18 (13+18=31) and the number which is generated when placing the verse numbers in a raw is a multiple of 7 etc.

Note that this applies only for the Kufi count (See also my answer on How many ayaths are there in Al-Quran?) which is used in Kufi qiraa't of the Qur'an such as Hafs 'an 'Assim as they divide the first verse of the surah into two as for the majority (all other counts) the verses:

actually is one single ayah (verse) so the scholars have different opinions about the number of verses in this surah between 76-78 verses (al-Qurtobi quoted it is 76 -see here in Arabic- while the Kufi count is 78).

As for our example ibn 'Ashur in his at-Tahrir wa tanwir -see here in Arabic- in the introduction of the surah when quoting the goals and subjects of the surah said:

In the following I will translate here and later from Arabic, these are my own translation take it into account


 Part of the exquisite eloquence in this surah is starting it by Allah's name ar-Rahmaan. This surah is the only one that has been started by a name of Allah here no other word was placed before!


 Al-Qutaby said: in this surah Allah has enumerated his favours (or bounties) and informed about his creation of these favours and then he added to each manner HE has described and favour he has given this information (verse repetition) as a separator to remind them about the favours and settle them (Jinn and humans) on them (favours).

Reciting surah Rahman brings us closer to Allah and opens our eyes to the truth and acknowledges the many blessings that we have in life. Therefore, reading it removes all the questions that keep going in your mind with no answer and it heals your soul. It is said that when reading surah Rahman in the morning Allah will send the angels to look after you the whole day. And when reading it at night, the angels will protect you until you wake up. Reciting it in the house stops the family from arguing all the time and keeps them safe, therefore some people choose to write it and hang it on the wall for protection.

Al-Rahman is one of the 99 names of Allah, the surah starts with the word Rahman and then shows us the countless blessings that Allah gave us, and how heaven will be. Among the topics mentioned in Surah Rahman are the following:

The benefits of reading surah Rahman are innumerable and will fall short of words because of how great they are. Reciting or listening to this Surah can help a person regarding any situation, be it stress, marriage, illness, or something far more concerning.

Al-Rahman is one of the 99 names of Allah. The surah starts with the word Rahma. Then, it shows us the countless blessings that Allah gave us, and how heaven will be. Among the topics mentioned in surah Rahman are the following: 2351a5e196

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