Mankind is then asked to worship God to acquire taqwa, and a description of God's creations follows: the earth as a resting place, the sky as a canopy, and rain sent from the sky to bring forth fruit and provision. They are then advised to not set up others in worship beside God. Those who doubt that the Quran was revealed to Muhammad are then challenged to produce a surah similar to it. It is then said that they will never be able to fulfill this challenge and are asked to fear Hell, which is described as being fueled with men and stones and specifically prepared for the kafirs.[14]

The surah includes a few Islamic rules related to varying subjects, such as: prayers, fasting, striving on the path of God, the pilgrimage to Mecca, the change of the direction of prayer (Qiblah) from Jerusalem to Mecca, marriage and divorce, commerce, debt, and a great many of the ordinances concerning interest or usury.[5]

Surah Al Baqarah Ayat No 285 286 Download

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245. In the legal terminology of Islam this is known as ila'. It is obvious that harmony and cordiality do not always prevail in matrimonial life. There are occasions when strains and tensions develop, leading to discord and estrangement. But the Law of God does not approve of that discord which causes a husband and wife, who are legally tied to one another in matrimony, to remain for all practical purposes alienated from one another as if they had ceased to be spouses. For this kind of abnormal discord and estrangement God has fixed a limit of four months during which the spouses are required either to settle their difference, or to break the tie of wedlock so that each becomes free to contract marriage with someone with whom a harmonious matrimonial relationship appears more likely.

Since the verse mentions 'taking a vow', the Hanafi and Shafi'i jurists consider the injunction to be applicable only when a husband has taken a vow not to have sexual relations with his wife. According to them, the injunction does not apply if the husband merely forsakes sexual relations with his wife without taking any vow to that effect. The Maliki jurists are, however, of the opinion that irrespective of whether a person has taken a vow, the maximum permissible limit for abstaining from sexual relations in wedlock is four months. A statement to that effect is also attributed to Ahmad b. Hanbal. (See Ibn Rushd, Bidayat al-Mujtahid, vol. 2, pp. 98 ff. - Ed.) 

According to 'Ali, Ibn Abbas and Hasan al-Basri, this injunction is related to the cessation of sexual relations as a result of unpleasantness in the relationship of the spouses. It would not apply, however, if a husband were to decide to abandon sexual relations with his wife out of some beneficial consideration - say because the wife is breastfeeding - at a time when their relationship was pleasant. According to other jurists, however, any vow which prevents sexual intercourse between a husband and wife is ila', and ought not to last longer than four months irrespective of the state of the matrimonial relationship when it was taken. (See Jassas, Ahkam al-Qur'an, vol. 1, pp. 355 ff - Ed.)

Al-Baqarah terdiri atas 286 ayat yang menjadikannya surah terpanjang dalam Al-Quran. Pada 2 ayat terakhir surah Al-Baqarah, yaitu ayat 285 dan 286, diketahui memiliki keutamaan bagi yang membacanya.

Dikutip dari buku Fiqih Doa dan Dzikir karya Syaikh Abdurrazaq bin Abdul Muhsin Al Badr dalam Ash-Shahihain dari Abu Mas'ud, Nabi Muhammad SAW menyebut terdapat keutamaan besar dalam dua ayat terakhir surah Al-Baqarah.

Surah Baqarah has many benefits. In the hadith, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: Recite the Quran, for on the Day of Resurrection it will come as an intercessor for those who recite It. This also applies to the first 5 verses of the Surah since it also has a lot of benefits. A lot of people wonder about the meaning of the first ayat, and in some tafsir including Ibnu Katsir, Asy-Sya'bi, and others,  (Alif, Lam, Meem.) is actually one of His greatest names.

In the following verses, the surah explains that the existence of the Quran can not be doubted and is a revelation of Allah SWT, that is passed on and is revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW through the intermediary of Jibril. Al-Quran is revealed as a guide for those who are pious, the people who keep Allah's commandments and stay away from His prohibitions.

The Surah Baqarah PDF with translation allows you to understand the true message of Allah in your own language. Another great thing is that if you want to download the translation PDF of other surahs, you can get them at their respective pages.

Thus, to gain forgiveness, mercy, and blessings from Allah, every Muslim must recite the Surah Baqarah last 2 ayats. It covers different aspects and different topics that must be followed by every believer for a firm grip on his faith and success in this world and hereafter

The concluding passages of this surah focus on the mention of previous prophets of the Children of Israel and certain incidents such as the killing of Jalut by Dawud (AS). Various incidents relating to Ibrahim (AS) are narrated, including building the Kabah along with his son Ismail (AS) and their supplication to Allaah (SWT) for a righteous successor to teach and reform their later generations. 006ab0faaa

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