There are two parts to the superuser system - the superuser binary (su on the terminal) and the SuperUser.apk (Android app to manage apps using su). Looking at the source code of the su binary, when you request su access through

You are trying to execute "su" which only an app with superuser permissions can do! So whenever Android detects that you are trying to run "su" It will get that the App will need superuser permissions.

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For example, say you are trying to modify the host file or modify some network configurations like DHCP. Or you are trying to access files from system area e.g. /data Android will check if the app has superuser permissions, and then only will grant it access to such things.

About malicious software, whenever an app needs superuser access, system will prompt user to grant or deny superuser permissions to the app. Only then the app can get root access. So it's up to the user to decide, whether to accept or deny root access for any app. (System will prompt user every time an app is trying to access something that needs root access, UNLESS you tell system to remember your choice of acceptance or denial for a particular app.)

Actually it's quite simple. Vanilla Android doesn't even have su or superuser. When you root the device you run a shell as root. Then you install the su binary and superuser.apk. After installing you set the shell back to it's normal permissions. All these root-only apps can now call su to ask for root access.

When su is run it calls superuser.apk with a message asking you whether you want to elevate privileges. The su binary and superuser.apk are protected via Android's normal sandboxing. Note that once you give an app root privileges it's free to do whatever it wants including overwriting su with it's own version.

SU Accounts should NOT be requested or used for day-to-day work as a normal user, to get a second NetID, or as a guest NetID. If a student employee needs an SU account, the requester should be faculty or staff.

Bonus information: If Wget gets an HTTP error 500 from the server when it performs the HEAD it will then move on to perform a GET against the same URL. I don't know the reasoning for this design. This is the reason why you may see both a HEAD and a GET request being performed against the server. If nothing is wrong then only a HEAD request is performed. You can disable this functionality with the --tries option to limit Wget to only one attempt.

We are currently in the process of setting up a multi-region synchronization for a database in our AWS account. To ensure the seamless deployment and effective management of this solution, we require access to the rdsadmin superuser account.

Additionally, we are facing challenges in creating a replication user and subscription for our multi-region RDS synchronization setup. We kindly request your guidance and assistance in this matter. If there are specific steps, best practices, or permissions required to create the replication user and subscription, please provide detailed instructions.

Access to the rdsadmin superuser account is crucial for executing certain administrative tasks, and your assistance in resolving any challenges in creating the replication user and subscription is highly appreciated.

Please enter the root/superuser password:

error: Password incorrect. 2 attempt(s) left.

Please enter the root/superuser password:

error: Password incorrect. 1 attempt(s) left.

Please enter the root/superuser password:


After the executing the hp instalation commands three (3) times and providing the root/superuser password the error message relating to the key from key server did not show anymore and finished the installation process.

Users can access the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) available master data services via the substance, product, organisation and referential (SPOR) portal. All users have read-only access. However, users need to register to carry out actions via the portal such as requesting changes to the master data held by EMA. 

Users may need to make a change request for instance to include the correct referential or organisation data in their regulatory submissions or, in the case of the OMS, to access other EMA systems.

If the user making the request logged in and was authenticated, then request.user will hold an instance of User. If the user did not login, then request.user will be an instance of AnonymousUser. This is a special object used by Django to indicate an unauthenticated user. Using has_perm on AnonymousUser will always return False.

If you want to prevent any user, including superusers, from updating a field, you can mark the field as read only. For example, the field date_joined is set when a user registers. This information should never be changed by any user, so you mark it as read only:

Now, when a non-superuser tries to edit a user, the username field will be disabled. Any attempt to modify the username through Django Admin will fail. When a superuser tries to edit the user, the username field will be editable and behave as expected.

Superuser is a very strong permission that should not be granted lightly. However, any user with a change permission on the User model can make any user a superuser, including themselves. This goes against the whole purpose of the permission system, so you want to close this hole.

To manage permissions only using groups, you need to prevent users from granting permissions to specific users. Instead, you want to only allow associating users to groups. To do that, disable the field user_permissions for all non-superusers:

To check if the user making the request is operating on themselves, you compare request.user with obj. Because this is the user admin, obj is either an instance of User, or None. When the user making the request, request.user, is equal to obj, then it means that the user is updating themselves. In this case, you disable all sensitive fields that can be used to gain permissions.

To permit this, I'd like to allow postgres_fdw user mappings to be created

with a new 'permit_passwordless' option. Only the superuser is allowed to

create such a mapping. If it's set to true, we bypass the


connection-string password check and the connect_pg_server(...) check for

the conn using a password when a non-superuser establishes a connection.

To make SSL client certs work properly with FDWs, I'd also like to add a

libpq parameter 'sslpassword' parameter, which corresponds to the PgJDBC

parameter of the same name. This lets the superuser create user mappings

for ssl client cert auth that use a user-specific 'sslcert', 'sslkey', and

'sslpassword'. Users can't use each others' keys because they don't know

the key password, and they can't create passwordless user mappings anyway.

Without 'sslpassword' a non-superuser user could make a connection to an

'md5 clientcert=1' server using another users' client cert. It's a trivial


postgres_fdw assumes that connections that do not specify a password in the

connstr and connections that lack a password on the user mapping are

insecure and rejects them for non-superusers with:

It's assuming that connections without passwords must therefore not have

anything to make sure the local postgres user is really the user authorized

to access the remote end as that remote postgres user. It's trying to stop

use of 'peer' or 'ident', which we shouldn't permit because we'd be

allowing the non-superuser to potentially authenticate as the (usually)

'postgres' system-user and gain access to a 'postgres' superuser db

account. Or the connection might be using a service file or .pgpass in the

'postgres' user's home directory, in which case again we don't want a

non-superuser able to use it.

For 'cert' authentication you don't want to assume that the non-superuser

should be allowed to use the client certificate's private key file from the

file system. We don't provide a way to provide the ssl key as a literal in

the postgres_fdw user mapping. Nor is there a way to store the ssl key

encrypted, and put the ssl key passphrase in the user mapping, making sure

that just the authorized user can access it.

If the superuser is the one creating the user mapping between local and

remote user IDs, then they're the ones delegating the access. They can

already GRANT mysuperuser TO public if they're feeling stupid; similarly,



'true', ...) ... then it's on them if they have 'peer' or 'ident' enabled

on the server.

From your ShareFile dashboard, navigate to Settings > Admin Settings > Security > Login & Security Policy > Share and request access options.

The following instructions provide ShareFile admins with the steps necessary to disable the Anyone (public) and Anyone (public, must enter name and email) request link options by requiring authentication for the overall account.

Once the toggle is set to Require authentication for request links, you can disable the requirement by sliding the toggle off. Select Disable once the following confirmation screen displays.

With Suepruser, you can disable and allow access to Apps or ADB. Declared Permission that only allows requests from apps that declared Android permission can be disabled or allowed. And you are allowed to set an Automatic Response that prompts, denies, and allows to the phone show confirmation dialog for new requests. Besides, PIN Protection is also a feature of Suepruser. Once set, the phone will require entry a PIN to approve Superuser request. If Request Timeout is enabled, Superuser request to be denied after the time you set. ff782bc1db

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