
The information we automatically collect

-Information about devices and use: we use server registers, cookies and similar technologies to automatically collect information about your computer or devices and how you interact with services. For example, we can record your version of the application, your mobile operating system, the address of the Internet Protocol (IP) and your unique device, your application or your advertising identification. In addition to information about your device, we also collect information about how you interact with the service, such as the page you recommend, your search conditions, the page or service area you use or share, the time and length of access, the functions you use and the links you click on.

-Cookies: for more information about the service and how third party analysis providers and advertisers use cookies and similar technologies to collect your information when using the service, please refer to our cookie notification.

-Telephone information: if you use the phone or SMS services offered in some of our mobile applications, we can collect information about your use of these services, such as the telephone number you call and send messages, the source of your calls and messages, SMS, the number of minutes used, numri i SMS të dërguar dhe sasia e planifikuar e të dhënave të konsumuara