What Is BurritoCraft?


Burritocraft is a version of minecraft/eaglercraft as a html. This version has Multiplayer and Singleplayer and a new game mode Hardcore.

OG Site: https://sites.google.com/view/burritoedition/minecraft-1-5

good site check it out if you can.

OG website text:

Click on the link to play Minecraft 1.5.2. NOTE There is only single player because I don't want to deal with a big server. To use LAN make sure your relays are the same. You can find the change relay option after join lan world in the singleplayer menu. Same spot is network settings. It will tell you the code and the relay when the host opens the world to lan. Let me know on discord if you have any questions. Remember to periodically download your save files just in case a link get blocked.


-An enjoyable Burrito


WASD - Movement

Mouse or Trackpad - POV movement

Right click - Place block or use

Left click - Mine or fight