Sunshine Health Yoga Massage. We're located on the ground floor #101, of the professional building, at 27403 Ynez Road, Temecula, CA. Northwest corner of Ynez and Rancho California. Near Big Lots, Armstrong Garden Center.
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Sunshine Health Yoga & Massage
Benefits of Massage & Service Choices

Our massage treatments are based on the natural science of the human body and the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition we have incorporated complementary therapies, including Yoga and Meditation.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is thousands of years old and has changed little over the centuries. Its basic concept is that a vital force of life, called Qi, surges through the body in pathways called meridians. Any imbalance to Qi can cause disease and illness.

Massage helps to maintain the balance of Qi in the meridians in the body, and awaken the body’s self-healing ability, and enhance physical fitness, and restore natural health.

Sunshine Health offers natural health treatments suitable for most people.

Our massage therapies include the following:

  • Swedish Massage - Gentle massage to relieve tense muscles and provide relaxation.

  • Yoga Massage - Also referred to as Thai Massage, or assisted Yoga Massage. Yoga massage is a form of bodywork that combines dynamic assisted stretching influenced by Yoga, and physical pressure along energy lines influenced by Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is performed lying down, the therapist helps stretch the body’s muscles and ligaments.

  • Deep Tissue Massage. Based on traditional Chinese Massage theory, and sometimes called Shiatsu, or myofascial release, deep tissue massage opens stiff muscles and ligaments to unblock the meridians of Qi to relieve pain. Also helpful in neck, shoulder, leg, waist

  • Additional Services.
    - Prenatal Massage
    - Sports Massage
    - Hot Stone
    - Cupping

In each case, you can request light, medium, or strong massage pressure and we can focus on particular areas on the body where treatment is needed or to be avoided.

We also offer Yoga classes and free meditation sessions.

We hope to bring you a better life. We wish you and your friends and relatives good health and a good life. We hope you enjoy it.