Denise Zelaya

Denise Zelaya

I am a certified yoga instructor. I discovered yoga in 2013 and I started teaching in 2021. I am 23 currently and working on my Associates in Kinesiology. I've been a student of many Iyengar yoga teachers. My teaching style is about finding comfortability in discomfort. Using the same concepts and ideas of Iyengar yoga. I am slow and vibrant and will accommodate to each student's needs. I like to spend time in each pose refining and perfecting it best for each individual's body.

Yoga to me is my safe place, where I can heal in peace. One of my goals is to share this peace with my students. I use pranayama techniques and am a natural reiki healer. I bring my favorite crystals to class and I welcome you to bring yours as well. In savasana I like to teach how to connect deeper with your crystals.

I'm all about spirituality and mystic knowledge and love to share what I know in my classes. I am excited to meet all of my new students and other yoga enthusiasts.


Yoga for Spiritual Healing. Meets Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 12:00 pm