Exploring Quantum Magnetism via Neutron Scattering

Quantum magnets are the key material for designing next-generation devices with the potential to exploit unprecedented quantum mechanical phenomena. To advance this, our research goal is to unveil, understand, and utilize new physical concepts in correlated electron systems, where quantum magnetism plays a decisive role.

In pursuing this goal, we synthesize quantum materials and explore crystal and magnetic structures and their dynamics in quantum matter via Neutron and X-ray scattering. At the ambient conditions as well as under extreme conditions (i.e., high-field, high-pressure, strain), we are mostly interested in understanding emergent properties such as

- Quantum Spin Liquids

- Multiferroics

- Topology in Magnetism

- Quantum Phase Transitions

 © 2023 Sungkyun Choi                                   sungkyunchoi[at]skku.edu