Sunflower English

Decline-Recovery-Decline Graph: Learning curve in lecture (Bligh 1998) (科學證明25分鐘內是很有效率的時間)

遺忘曲線(Forgetting curve) :德國心理學家 Hermann Ebbinghaus (1885年出書提出遺忘曲現&間距效應 ,讓我們知道複習頻率有助長期記憶 )

學習與教學adapted from NTL Institute :The effectiveness of any learning method, as presented in the Learning Pyramid, will also be influenced by your own unique learning style. Some students retain and recall information best through visual (spacial) learning, while others are aural (auditory) learners. To maximize the effectiveness of your studying discover your learning style.

Also, remember that the key here is to vary your method of learning. Don't assume just because the Learning Pyramid suggests that Lectures are the least effective study method for retaining information, that lectures aren't important. Lectures are still very important. Each of the learning methods presented in the Learning Pyramid are important. Even if it's difficult for you to remember everything that is taught during lectures, the notes you take during lecture may be vital to your ability to participate in a discussion of the material later on in your group, or teach the material to others. Vary your study method and focus on the methods and learning styles the yield the best results for you.

馬斯洛把人的需要劃分為五個層次(Maslow's hierarchy of needs ):生理的需要、安全的需要、社會上的需要(友愛和歸屬的需要)、尊重的需要、自我實現的需要。 在人生中我們可以很簡單生活,也可以很快樂唷 :) 若想要了解其他國家文化或是科學,或許英文是我們需要充實的語言.電影3 idiots(三個傻瓜)說出在學校是要培養自己興趣,突破現有框架,不要受傳統束縛,只要活下來都是有希望(All is well and Everything is going to be all right)

Life is a Domino Effect.骨牌效應,人生每一個選擇都是交互影響.

Small step today. Big gain in Future.現在的一小步是未來的一大步.

Abhijit Banerjee(阿巴希·巴納吉 ): 出生印度經濟學家,用長年實驗和觀察與統計"如何跳脫貧困"獲得諾貝爾獎,發現養身和遠離疾病跟投資(省物質享受轉到投資,而教育是最好投資)是主因.

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019

(Prize motivation: "for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.")