Molly is 22 and striking, olive-skinned with an aquiline nose and breasts with the curve and heft that everyone wants either to have or to hold. She's articulate and educated, if a bit too knowing. She's there to talk with me about, the softcore sex site that's gone mainstream by purporting to offer naked young alt-girls in a female-friendly online community.

When went live in 2001, about 35 girls took their clothes off for a supposedly woman-owned venture in hot naked hipsterism and online diary-keeping. The site was immediately acclaimed by the stodgy press, garnering praise from the Times of London, Spin, Rolling Stone and-yes-New York Press under previous editors. MTV tellingly and inanely claimed that "SG isn't just a lifestyle brand-it's a lifestyle." (Which is, I suppose, the difference between porn and naked shots.) These days, there are almost 800 Suicide Girls, and thousands of subscribers generating about a million hits on an average day. SG has proven so lucrative that the company, now called SG Services, Inc., has expanded into clothes, underwear, tchotchkes, a burlesque tour (and a predictably banal DVD of the tour), a coffee-table book and a radio show.

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It's hard to take seriously girls who took off their clothes for money, and were then shocked-shocked!-that the man giving them money to get naked didn't respect them. And it says nothing good that SuicideGirls has gotten nothing but glowing press up until now, as though the presence of a few blog entries and answers to cutesy, Nerve-style questionnaires (body mods, favorite bands, I lost my virginity?) meant that the tit-staring and related cock- and clit-stroking were somehow liberating, feminist, punk rock and so on.

One site several of the SuicideGirls have migrated to is, which is showcasing the same sort of "punk" naked women. The difference is that the new competitor has no pretensions of forging a community, woman-friendly or otherwise. It's a certain sort of hot girl, shown naked and fuckable, if not in fact fucking. If this is your sort of thing you should also check out, a woman-owned site that offers up the softcore tease but also shows some of the freer-spirited girls doing what everyone wants to see them doing, which is in its own way liberating-certainly more so than SuicideGirls' rather prudish half-assery.

I bring all this up because today, I read IDW's new SuicideGirls comic, and it is basically the same story, only crazier and with naked girls.Before I get to the plot, though, I have to say that this book is absolutely gorgeous. I imagine it's extremely important when you're doing a book based on a website devoted entirely to naked pictures of pretty girls to get an art team that's capable of drawing pretty girls very well, but even taking that into account, David Hahn and Cameron Stewart knock this thing out of the park.

It's the same with these suicide girls calling me up. Most of them are so young. Crying with their hair wet down in the rain at a public telephone, they call me to the rescue. Curled in a ball alone in bed for days, they call me. Messiah. They call me. Savior. They sniff and choke and tell me what I ask for in every little detail. It's so perfect some nights to hear them in the dark. The girl will just trust me. The phone in my one hand, I can imagine my other hand is her.[10][7][11]

Missy also said the name describes girls who commit "social suicide" by breaking away from societal norms, and created the site "as a place to celebrate beautiful women who choose not to fit into the norm and as a corner of the internet where outsiders could congregate and be appreciated for being themselves".[12]

As soon as the site launched, it began to grow exponentially.

Each week, hundreds of people (both men and women) signed up to

become members and hundreds of girls applied to be models. Members

met, held Suicide Girls-themed events, and some even married each

other. More than a place to look at naked pictures, the site gave

models (and girls who realized they could be models, too)

confidence, reclusive techies and morose Skinny Puppy fans

community, and all members of a variety of subcultures a shared,

proud identity in their outsider-ness.

Sticks & Stones, which ended with the victim committing suicide, drew a mixed reaction from students. Some girls became emotional and left the viewing; in contrast, many boys applauded at the film's ending.

The result is something that can be... scary. Let me give you an example. A thread cheering a girl committing suicide due to the /b/'s prior activities: They stole naked photos of a teenage girl they from her flickr account (exploiting some weakness of flickr allowing access to private albums), then found her personal data, contacts on facebook, and sent these photos to her school, school friends, parents, her boyfriend, all with quite malicious derogatory comments. be457b7860

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