Sudoku Adventure Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to our Privacy Policy. Thank you for taking the time to read it! We appreciate that you trust us with your information and we intend to always keep that trust. This starts with making sure you understand the information we collect, why we collect it, how it is used and your choices regarding your information.


We are a small developer team.

We focus on making simple & useful Android apps.


This Privacy Policy applies to apps operated by our developers in our current google play account. For simplicity, we refer to all of these as our “services” in this Privacy Policy. To make it extra clear, we’ve added links to this Privacy Policy on all applicable services.


It goes without saying, we can’t help you have an awesome user experience without some information about you. We also collect information generated as you use our services, for example access logs, as well as information from third parties, like when you access our services through your GOOGLE account. If you want additional info, we go into more detail below.

Information you give us

You choose to give us certain information when using our services. This includes:

To use certain features in our services like Lens , microphone and .., you may allow us to access your camera or the microphone, or other required permission based on application. Depending on your device, the Android system will ask for your permission before allowing us to access these features.

Ad SDKs in our apps may use advertising Id, some cookies and some general information of your device for advertisement purposes. Also some SDKs may need access to read and write advertisement material in your device memory.

Some analytics SKDs may use app usage data in our applications.

Some analytics SDKs may use some general app usage data from your device.

Information collected when you use our services

When you use our services, we collect information about which features you’ve used, how you’ve used them and the devices you use to access our services. See below for more details:

Usage Information

We collect information about your activity on our services, for instance how you use them (e.g., date and time you logged in, time spent in the app, features you’ve been using, short input text and voice, advertising that you click on).

Device information

We collect information from and about the device(s) you use to access our services, including:

hardware and software information such as IP address, device ID and type, device-specific and apps settings and characteristics, app crashes, app version, app name,advertising IDs (such as Google’s AdvertisingID, both of which are randomly generated numbers that you can reset by going into your device’s settings), browser type, version and language, operating system, time zones, identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies that may uniquely identify your device or browser (e.g., IMEI/UDID and MAC address).

information on your wireless and mobile network connection, like your service provider and signal strength.


As described in above of this Privacy Policy, we sometimes work with third parties to deliver ads or offers. Sometimes we or these third parties do so through a mobile “SDK.” The SDK is a bit of computer code that app developers can include in their apps to enable data to be collected and ads to be shown. We may use this and similar technology to deliver certain advertising through mobile applications and browsers based on data associated with your mobile device, and we may work with third parties who likewise embed their SDKs into our services, for third party advertising. If you’d like to opt-out from having ads tailored to you in this way on your mobile device, please follow the instructions below.

If you wish to opt out of interest-based cross-application tracking through your mobile device, you can do so through your device “settings”, as follows (but please note that the below is for informational purposes only, Google, or other device platforms may change the manner in which their “opt out” settings work at any time): Please note that if you opt out through these settings, you will continue to receive advertising after you opt-out, but it may not be tailored to your interests. For instance, that advertising may be based on your real-time or “contextual” application usage or general location inferred from IP address.

Opting Out on Android Devices

If you have an Android device and would like to opt out of mobile interest-based or “cross-app” advertising, you may do this as follows:

Open the Settings app on your device

Go to “Google”

Select Ads

Opt out of interest-based ads


The main reason we use your information is to deliver and improve our services. Additionally, we use your info to help keep you safe and to communicate with you. Read on for a more detailed explanation of the various reasons we use your information, together with practical examples.

To serve you relevant offers and ads

Develop, display and track content and advertising (sometimes tailored to your interests) on our services and other sites and to measure its effectiveness. When you are on our services, third-party ad partners may provide you with advertising based upon your interests. These companies may use technologies to collect data about users, including non-precise location data, to help them tailor relevant ads and measure ads’ effectiveness. These companies may collect this data through SDKs or from users who view or interact with their advertisements.

For the purposes of European law, these ad partners are independent controllers of your information, which means that they are responsible for providing and complying with their own policies relating to any personal information they obtain in connection with the services.

To improve our services and develop new ones

Conduct research and analysis of users’ behaviour to improve our services and content (for instance, we may decide to change the look and feel or even substantially modify a given feature based on users’ behaviour). This software may record information such as how often you use the services, what happens within the services, aggregated usage, performance data, app errors and debugging information, and where the apps were downloaded from. We do not link the information we store within the analytics software to any personally identifiable information that you submit within the mobile application.

Develop new features and services (for example, we may decide to build a new feature further to requests or feedback received from users.

We may use Firebase, or other analytics and push services in order to carry out analysis on personal information which is gathered by us to carry out data analysis. Any personal information (including App Identifiers) which are provided to Google will become subject to Google’s privacy policy which is located here:


Since our goal is to provide the best services we can to you, the main sharing of users’ information is with service providers and partners who assist us in operating the services, with other Group companies and, in some cases, legal authorities. Read on for more details about how your information is shared with others.

With our service providers and partners

We use third parties to help us operate and improve our services. These third parties assist us with various tasks, including data hosting and maintenance, analytics, marketing, advertising and security operations.

We use your non-personal information (meaning information that, by itself, does not identify who you are such as device information) for targeted online marketing through tools like Facebook Custom Audience to contact interested parties.

We follow a strict vetting process prior to engaging any service provider or working with any partner.


The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and after it is received. Your account information is protected by a password. We work hard to protect you from unauthorised access to or alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information. As with all technology companies, although we take steps to secure your information, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information will always remain secure. We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks and regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices to update our physical, technical and organisational security measures.



We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13 years old, or 16 years old in the EEA. If you are not over 13 years old (or 16 years old in the EEA) then DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR USE THE SERVICES. If you believe that we may have personal information from or about a child under the age of 13 years old (or over the age of 16 if you are resident in the EEA), please contact us and we will promptly delete that personal information.


Because we’re always looking for new and innovative ways to help you enjoy our services, this policy may change over time. We will notify you of any material changes so that you have time to review the changes.


For our European users, our Data Protection Officer is responsible for ensuring your rights are respected and to review and oversee how we collect and use your personal information. 


If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, you can find our email in google play developer page

Facebook ID: Sudoku adventure

Instagram ID: Sudoku_adventure

Telegram ID: @SudokuAdevnture