EE533: Wireless Communications (L-T-P-C: 3-0-0-6)

Text Book(s):

Reference Book(s):

Other Related Book(s):

The detailed syllabus can be found here. The lectures will follow the textbooks mentioned above.


Tentative Evaluation Segments:

 The overall evaluation will be as follows:

(a) Quizzes - 2 Quizzes (total 30%, 15% each Quiz)

Quiz-I (Date: February 15, 2024, 11 am-12.30 pm, Venue-2202)-->completed.

Quiz-II (Date: April 16, 2024, 10.30 am- 11.30 am, Venue- 2202)-->completed.

(b) Mid-semester Exam - 25% (Date:29-02-2024, Schedule: 9 am-11 am)-->Completed.

(c) End-semester Exam - 40% (Date:04-05-2024, Schedule: 9 am-12 am)

(d) Attendance: 5% 


Teaching Assistants:

Note-1: All specific notes and/or Tutorial sheets will be available in WhatsApp group/ email. Any urgent updates will be circulated through the WhatsApp group. The link for both will be sent via a group email.
Note-2: Any student who has registered for EE533, yet has not received the WhatsApp group links, can email the TA.