Working drawings, also known as good for construction drawings (GFC), are drawings provided by the architect that give detailed dimensioned, graphical information that can be used by a contractor to construct the works, or by suppliers to fabricate components of the works.

These are one of the most important document released by the architect of a project because the accurate execution of these drawings determines the project's success. An important factor to consider when deciding on various working drawing components like dimensioning style, font, details, instructions, start points, north direction, key plan, etc. Is that they are intended for construction workers and clients. It should be chosen in such a way that it is self-explanatory, with as few errors as possible in its comprehension and execution.

Working drawings have traditionally been two-dimensional orthogonal projections of the building or components and are drafted to an appropriate legible scale which is easily readable. Today, Building information modeling (BIM) is increasingly being used to create three-dimensional representations of buildings and their components for construction. It also allows different stakeholders to collaborate easily as a virtual construction model (VCM), and can include a variety of models.

Submission Drawing Pdf Free Download

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Architectural Drawings (It includes everything starting from plans, elevations, section drawings to the railing details, flooring, cladding, etc.)

Structural Drawings (These drawings comprise of details starting from foundation level to the plinth and then the slab)

HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing and Firefighting Drawings (Services are planned in advance by hiring consultants alongside for which drawings have to be produced in collaboration with them)

Any building construction cannot commence without due permission from the concerned local authority in charge. For getting a building permit, a set of drawings have to be submitted to the authority which are commonly called as submission drawings or permit drawings.

Permit Drawing must include precise information to determine whether the proposed work complies with all applicable regulations, the majority of which are concerned with life safety. A substantially detailed sub-division plan, site plan, elevations, sections, all floor plans, and building services details are usually required. Space calculations are crucial in these drawings, a statement of FSI consumed, Total Built up area, Open Space, Amenity Space etc. should be clearly mentioned. To sum up, these drawings have more to do with the compliance of building regulations and the proposal.

Please be sure to include a 100 word abstract outlining the scope of your article with your submission. Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format; images should be sent in separate .jpg or .tiff files, or all together as a PowerPoint file. All images should be clearly labeled and of sufficient resolution.

Once an article has been accepted for publication, the author will be asked to submit original illustrative material, if not already provided at the time of submission. Illustrations should be supplied as high-resolution .jpg or .tiff files (scanned at no less than 300 dpi, ideally from the original work of art and not from a book), color transparencies, or high-quality black-and-white photographs. Please send large digital files using a file transfer system such as WeTransfer or Dropbox. Authors are responsible for obtaining illustrations and reproduction permissions from the copyright holders.

In architecture, a submission drawing typically refers to a drawing that is submitted as part of a set of documents to obtain a building permit or planning permission from a regulatory authority. These drawings are usually technical and detailed, and may include plans, elevations, sections, and other types of drawings that show the proposed design and its compliance with local building codes and regulations.

Submission drawings can vary in format and level of detail depending on the requirements of the regulatory authority and the complexity of the proposed project. They may also include additional information such as specifications, calculations, and schedules to provide a comprehensive overview of the proposed design.

The submission drawing package is an important part of the architectural design process, as it allows the architect and other design professionals to communicate the design intent and technical specifications to the regulatory authorities, who will review and approve the design before construction can begin.

A detailed submission drawing in architecture is a technical drawing that provides a comprehensive level of detail about a proposed building or structure. These drawings are typically included in a submission package that is submitted to a regulatory authority to obtain building permits or planning permission.

Detailed submission drawings are important because they provide the regulatory authority with a clear and comprehensive understanding of the proposed design, which helps to ensure that the design meets local building codes and regulations. They also provide the construction team with a detailed plan to follow during the building process, which helps to ensure that the building is constructed correctly and safely.

With the help of a community of architects, designers, and manufacturers as well as students they are creating an submission drawing library for Archi-Monarch which is helpful for beginner architects and students.

major MAJOR letdown. completed the form and ready to submit in the last 5 minutes, only to find this exceeded 10 MB. When I finished converting it's already 10 secs past submission. Oof, bad luck. But Here's the pic anyways.

The stamping and submission of architectural drawings constitutes the practice of architecture, which with some exceptions requires registration with the Washington State Board of Architecture.

The legislature has amended RCW 18.08.410 to remove a formerly-applicable exception under which engineers could stamp architectural drawings. This legislative change revises the conclusion we reached in AGO 1990 No. 9, which we overrule to that limited extent.

In order to receive a permit to build or change certain structures, the building owner is required to submit to local building officials architectural and engineering drawings that have been prepared and stamped by a licensed architect, professional engineer, or both. When and how those drawings are prepared, stamped, and submitted is governed by statute and local building codes.

In 1990, this office issued a formal opinion on the issue of when and how a registered professional architect or professional engineer must sign and stamp a drawing being submitted for building permits. AGO 1990 No. 9. The Opinion correctly noted that the stamping and submission of architectural drawings constitutes the practice of architecture which requires registration as an architect. The Opinion also correctly noted that the law contained exemptions to that requirement. Some of those exemptions allowed engineers to stamp plans and design work created by non-architects. See Laws of 1985, ch. 37,  12 (enacting RCW 18.08.410). However, in 2010, the legislature removed those exemptions. Laws of 2010, ch. 129,  8 (amending RCW 18.08.410).

Based on your letter it appears that some building officials are still accepting architectural drawings prepared by non-professionals but stamped by engineers even when those drawings are primarily architectural in nature.[1] We also understand that these building officials are doing so in reliance on a 1990 Attorney General Opinion analyzing statutory exemptions to the laws that have since been removed.

RCW 18.08.320(12). Additionally, the laws require that architects sign and seal or stamp each page containing architectural drawings prepared or reviewed by the architect that are submitted in support of an application for a building permit. RCW 18.08.370(2); WAC 308-12-081(1).

At the time AGO 1990 No. 9 was issued, former RCW 18.08.410 also provided two additional exemptions that allowed engineers to stamp architectural drawings. Under that older version of the law the following activities were not prohibited:

[1] We have identified no statutes, rules, or policies that define when a drawing is primarily architectural or primarily engineering in nature. Rather, local building officials have the authority to determine when a project requires the analysis and drawings of an architect or an engineer and, pursuant to that decision, such drawings must be drafted and stamped by the appropriate professional. The project must then be completed according to those drawings.

The Oklahoma Legislature is excited to partner with Dave's Redistricting App (DRA) a free redistricting mapping resource that Oklahomans can utilize to engage in the redistricting process and try their hand at drawing legislative and congressional districts. Dave's Redistricting App is free to use. Sign up and log in through the following link to create an account: 

Oklahomans can draw a district map for either the 48-seat state Senate or the 101-seat state House. They can also draw a map for all five of Oklahoma's congressional districts. Please consult the Senate Public Map Submission Parameters and DRA Partnership documents linked below for full details and instructions on the public map submission process.

Senate Legislative District Public Map Submission Parameters

Every new regulated project, regardless of its Review Path, begins with the submission of the Existing Resources and Site Analysis (ERSA) Application to Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) Stormwater Plan Review.

The ERSA Application is the first submission for all projects that require PWD Stormwater Plan Review approval or exemption. The ERSA Application is also the first submission for non-grant-funded Stormwater Retrofits. For grant-funded Stormwater Retrofits, the first submission will be the Stormwater Grant Application to Stormwater Billing and Incentives, not an ERSA Application. 006ab0faaa

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