Papers and preprints
Dominating surface-group representations via Fock-Goncharov coordinates (with Pabitra Barman) to appear in Geometriae Dedicata.
On harmonic maps from the complex plane to hyperbolic 3-space (with Gobinda Sau) to appear in The Journal of Geometric Analysis.
Meromorphic projective structures: signed spaces, grafting and monodromy (with Spandan Ghosh) to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topology.
Simple loop conjecture for discrete representations in PSL(2,R) (with Gianluca Faraco) under revision.
Monodromy of Schwarzian equations with regular singularities (with Gianluca Faraco) to appear in Geometry & Topology.
Dominating surface-group representations into PSL(2,C) in the relative representation variety (with Weixu Su) Manuscripta Mathematica, Vol. 172, 1169-1186 (2023).
Translation surfaces and periods of meromorphic differentials (with Shabarish Chenakkod and Gianluca Faraco) Proceedings of the London Math Society, Vol. 124, no. 4, 478-557 (2022).
Surface group representations with finite mapping class orbits (with Indranil Biswas, Mahan Mj, and Junho Peter Whang) Geometry & Topology, Vol. 26, no.2, 679-719 (2022).
Monodromy groups of CP^1-structures on punctured surfaces, Journal of Topology, Vol. 14, no.2, 538-559 (2021).
Meromorphic projective structures, grafting and the monodromy map. (with Mahan Mj) Advances in Math., Vol 393 (2021).
Quadratic differentials, measured foliations and metric graphs on punctured surfaces (with Kealey Dias and Maria Trnkova) Illinois J. Math. Vol. 65, No. 2 (2021), 417–454.
Branched projective structures on a Riemann surface and logarithmic connections. (with Indranil Biswas and Sorin Dumitrescu) Documenta Mathematica 24 (2019), 2299–2337.
Semi-regular tilings of the hyperbolic plane (with Basudeb Datta) Discrete and Computational Geometry (2021), Vol. 65, 531-553.
Monodromy representations of meromorphic projective structures. (with Mahan Mj) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), no. 5, 2069–2078.
Holomorphic quadratic differentials in Teichmüller theory, survey article, Handbook of Teichmüller theory Vol VII, Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich, 2020.
Limits of harmonic maps and crowned hyperbolic surfaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), no. 11, 7573–7596.
Harmonic maps and wild Teichmüller spaces , Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 13, no. 02, 349-393 (2021).
Complex geometry of Teichmüller domains. (with Harish Seshadri) survey article, Handbook of Teichmüller theory Vol VII, Eur. Math. Soc., 2020.
On domains biholomorphic to Teichmüller spaces. (with Harish Seshadri) IMRN, Volume 2020, Issue 8, (2020), 2542–2560.
Meromorphic quadratic differentials and measured foliations on a Riemann surface. (with Michael Wolf) Math. Ann. Vol. 373 1-2, (2019).
Meromorphic quadratic differentials with complex residues and spiralling foliations. (with Michael Wolf) Contemp. Math., Volume 696 (2017).
Quadratic differentials, half-plane structures, and harmonic maps to trees. (with Michael Wolf) Comment. Math. Helv., Vol. 91 No. 2 (2016).
Holonomy map fibers of complex projective structures in moduli space. (with Shinpei Baba) Journal of Topology, Vol. 8 No. 3 (2015).
On the asymptotic behavior of complex earthquakes and Teichmüller disks. Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 639 (2015).
Asymptoticity of grafting and Teichmüller rays II. Geom. Dedicata, Vol. 176, Issue 1, 185-213 (2015).
Meromorphic quadratic differentials with half-plane structures. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 39 (2014), 305-347.
Asymptoticity of grafting and Teichmüller rays. Geometry & Topology 18-4 (2014), 2127--2188.
Curvatures on the Teichmüller curve (with Zheng Huang and Ren Guo). Indiana University Mathemematics Journal, Vol. 60, no. 5, (2011)
Piquing the imagination -- a book review of J. Weeks' The Shape of Space, published in BhAvanA, April 2020
Degree-regular triangulations on surfaces (with Basudeb Datta) subsumed by our later work.
Foliations by minimal surfaces. Unedited draft version from 2009 - approach with caution.