Quantum Signal Processing 


Scholar Information: 

Subhadeep Mondal

Graduate Student, G.S.Sanyal School of Telecommunications.

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

Prime Minister Research Fellow since September 2020.

CV is attached here.

Scholar Contact Information:

 G.S.Sanyal School of Telecommunications, Takshashila, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal-721302.

Ph No. +91 8240168012

Email id: subhadeep701@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in

Advisor Information:

 Advisor Name:  Dr. Amit Kumar Dutta

Email id:   amitdutta@gssst.iitkgp.ac.in 

Research Interest:  

Project Abstract: Quantum-Inspired Signal Detection in Wireless Communications and Quantum State Tomography

Harnessing the power of quantum mechanics, this work focuses on signal detection in MIMO-OFDM systems by employing Grover’s Quantum Search Algorithm. This algorithm, known for its exponential speedup compared to classical counterparts, serves as a cornerstone. Exploring Grover's Search-Based Algorithms, including the BBHT Algorithm and DHA, we present three significant contributions:

This work advances Quantum State Estimation with prior statistical knowledge. Two key contributions include:

Publication and Patents



 Patent (applied):

Professional Responsibilities

Teaching Assistant(NPTEL)

Signal Processing for mm-Wave communication for 5G and beyond.((2021 & 2022)

Certificate attached here

Teaching Assistant(GSSST, IIT Kharagpur)(2019-)