Subcultures in Film and Online

Spring Semester 2013Days/Times: Monday 2:50 – 4:20 Room 6-102

Thursday 9:00-10:30 Room 6-102

Instructor: Lucius Von Joo

How to contact me:

This class will observe and reflect on subcultures in movies, documentaries, television and online resources

This class will teach:

•Blog creation and design

•Writing techniques for blog

•Speaking presentation

•Listening to video, music, lecture, peers

•Reading information and research for presentation

Each Student in this class will:

Create a blog portfolio in which they will make entries on class subjects.

Give a class presentation on a researched subculture.

Students will be graded on

Assignments so far

    1. What is subculture (reflection/research)

    2. Jugallos (reflection)

    3. Lords of Dogtown (research)

    4. Lords of Dogtown (reflection)

    5. TV or Online show (reflection)

    6. personal choice for final presentation (research)

    7. Brony Research & A Brony tale (reflection)

    8. Personal Collection (reflection/research)

    9. Collecting subculture (research)

    10. Born into (research)

    11. Final decision of report and your first impressions on the subculture (presentation)

    12. small group movies (reflection)

    13. Survey (research)

    14. Misunderstanding or stereotypes of presentation culture (research)

    15. Origin/History of presentation subculture (research)

    16. Subculture Consumerism

    17. Final email to Lucius answering these questions:

Please email me with your answer to these questions. Please cut and paste these and then write your answers. Please answer them in complete sentences.

    1. The link or file of your final presentation

    2. Did you use our time wisely to prepare for your presentation. Why or why not?

    3. How well do you feel your visual section of your presentation was executed?

    4. Which was your most challenging blog assignment and why?

    5. What is something that you learned in this class that you think you will remember for a long time to come?

    6. What part of this class would you have liked to have skipped?

    7. Which blog entry are you most proud of and why?

    8. Write your personal definition of what subculture is. In your own words.

  1. What grade would you give yourself for this class and why? Please look at the grading scale on our website.

I will share your blog and presentation with future generations of students, teachers and researchers. Please let me know if you would not want me to do this.