
#shpdaily 7/04/24 Davina Michelle has just released a cover of Rihanna's California King Bed. It's a song I have always liked and I love this cover because Davina's voice is strong and bold and has such lovely depth and tone.

X Still Doesn't Mark the Spot. I have just added my X details to the top of the page but the icon generated by Google Sites is still that of the much missed bird. Are Google hopeful that it might just turn back to a name that doesn't make you think your accessing an adults-only social media website? We can but dream.

Speaking of dreams, for ages my dreams (or at least the ones I remember) seem to just be about working in employment. Even though I have been self-employed-only for quite a while now the dreams don't seem to have caught up. And I am never clear where I am supposed to be working, I think its like a mismash of everywhere I have worked. I do kind of have self-employed related dream moments though from time to time, where I come across an item from a charity shop or car boot sale that I get the feeling is worth a nice amount of money...

Listened to a bit of Tonight is Forever by the Petshop Boys. Haven't heard it for a while. Update, its still a great track. Need to catch the recent PSB content on TV & Radio, including 'Pet Shop Boys Documentary.'

My final thought of the night is with the Frank Skinner Show. I'll listen to this just before bed as is per tradition for me on a Saturday evening, and has been for many years. This Absolute radio show (I just listen to the pod version) has ran for 15 years and whilst I didn't quite catch it from the start, I think I have listened somewhere between 5 and 10 years at least. 

I like the format, the type of things that get discussed and how they get discussed- a good format for Frank's quick wit. He and co host Emily Dean work very well together as have the various stand ups that have joined the two over the years, with my favourite being the current choice Pierre Novellie. It's a humour-packed show full of musings on the sort of down-to-earth observations that I like to unwind with, however the team can be rightfully sharp where required for a bit of zest, well as much as you can get away with on an early morning show. 

All of this and much more make up for why I was so surprised when it was announced the show will be ending (it's now five weeks from today). This is an award winning show and very popular by my understanding, so that was why I was surprised. Allegations of ageism have been toyed with by the media (of course they love to stir that pot for headlines as Frank is 67 but it may or may not be a fair point, I can't say). 

Frank's poetry podcast seems to be staying put though, which is good as if you are into poetry the show is well worth a listen. But back to The Frank Skinner Show, When its gone I'll miss what it brought to the table and the part of my routine it formed. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets picked up by either another radio broadcaster or the team just release it in a pure podcast format. We will see. For now, time to give Frank and the gang a listen and give you a goodnight. That sentence didn't sound quite how I thought it would after writing it. I'd better just say goodnight and put my headphones on.