Treatments & Massage

On this page you will find all the types of massage and treatments I offer in my studio, divided into macro-areas.

Click on the drop-down arrow to find out more about the different types of treatments and find the one that is most appropriate for you and your needs.

Therapeutic Massage:


Therapeutic massage of muscles and connective tissues to improve and prevent problems of the musculoskeletal system, such as cervicalgia, back pain and lumbago.

Decontracting Massage

Treatment aimed at easing muscle tension and spasms, reducing the pain induced by them.

Indicated for resolving painful muscle contractures in the spine and limbs.

Through massage and musculoskeletal manipulation, recovery times are reduced.

Sport Massage

A therapeutic massage primarily intended for athletes (both professional and amateur) before or after a competition, in order to improve athletic performance.

It improves blood flow, reduces pain and fatigue, relaxes muscles, improves endurance and prevents injuries by preparing the muscles for exertion, eliminates toxins produced by fatigue and aids in the production of endorphins.

Sports massage also helps athletes in reducing muscle contractures and the formation of myofascial disorders, such as trigger points, and is useful both during training and in the pre and post-competition phase.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

A therapeutic massage that promotes the drainage of liquids from the tissues, facilitating the outflow of body fluids in order to improve the reabsorption of oedemas that cause swollen limbs, lymphatic stagnation and peripheral venous circulation problems.

This treatment is also recommended for post-operative and post-injury scars and oedemas.

Specific Body Area Massage

This is a shorter therapeutic massage compared to other massage therapy treatments, focusing on a specific body area and on the limitations caused by painful muscle contractures and restarting metabolic exchanges.

Suitable for those who have less time to dedicate to their physical well-being.

Myofascial Massage

A therapeutic technique that works in depth, acting on the muscle fascia and the connective tissue that coats

The massage acts on those densifications that limit normal mobility, resulting in muscle, joint, postural and tissue problems in general.

This technique is also indicated for the treatment and loosening of post-operative and post-injury scar adhesions.

Oriental Massage:


Energy rebalancing treatment developed and widespread in Japan, which has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Shiatsu is mainly concerned with re-establishing a correct psycho-physical balance by facilitating the conditions for recovering a natural well-being, reawakening and harmonising deep vital functions and resources.

Before the session, an Energetic Assessment will be carried out, which is necessary to decide on the type of treatment to be performed.


Massage belonging to Traditional Chinese Medicine, whose origins date back to around the 16th century BC.

Tuina is a dynamic massage and, like all techniques belonging to Traditional Chinese Medicine, aims to restore the correct circulation of Qi, i.e. the vital energy flowing through the energy meridians.

An Energy Assessment will be carried out before the session, which is necessary to decide on the type of treatment to be performed.

Cupping Therapy

A therapeutic method that has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Cupping is a technique involving the application of cups to create suction and lifting of connective tissue in the affected area.

Popular especially with professional athletes, its benefits include improving blood circulation and relieving muscle tension.

Technique indicated for the treatment of post-operative and post-injury scar adhesions.

An assessment will be carried out before the session to decide on the best type of treatment to be performed.

Moxibustion Therapy

This therapeutic practice is typical of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Simple and safe, it involves the application of indirect heat - produced by burning an Artemisia cigar - on certain energy points with the aim of unblocking the energy circulation.

Before the session, an Energy Assessment will be carried out, which is necessary to decide on the type of Treatment to be performed.


Relaxing and Anti-Stress Massage

A massage for the prevention and improvement of health conditions.

It acts on the muscle-tendon structures (optimising their physiology), on the blood circulation (promoting metabolic exchange and venous and lymphatic return) and on the nervous system.

Thanks to its relaxing properties, stress levels are reduced and it helps relaxing the muscles.

This massage is suitable for those who find it difficult to sleep and get a good night's rest.

Firming and Anti-Cellulite Massage

Specific massage to treat localised fat deposits.

It stimulates the lymphatic and blood circulation in the affected areas, tightens the tissues, prevents and counteracts skin imperfections due to cellulite.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

This specific massage helps reducing water retention, stimulates deep venous circulation and promotes the reabsorption of interstitial liquids between fat cells.

Facial Massage

This treatment is indicated for the well-being of the facial skin.

When performed constantly and regularly, the facial massage slows the formation of wrinkles, helps with the elimination of toxins and gives the skin elasticity, by stimulating elastin and collagen.

Stress-relieving and Relaxing Foot Massage

A treatment that benefits both mind and body: it reduces stress levels and generates a general feeling of well-being.

It has both a regulating and relaxing function on the entire organism, through the stimulation of nervous endings.

For Mothers to be:

Moxa and Gentle Turning of the Podalic Foetus

The breech presentation of the baby in the womb is usually an indication for elective caesarean birth.

During the session, absolutely no external manoeuvres are carried out to facilitate the turning, but this is stimulated with an increased number of movements of the baby in the following days.

Although it falls outside the category of 'classical medicine' to which we are generally accustomed, the turning of the baby with Moxa has been studied for a long time, highlighting its effectiveness and safety even in the event of its failure.

Pregnancy Massage

Massage focusing on the general well-being and care of a woman's physical and emotional health, to support her through such a special time in her life.

Do you have any questions or would you like to book an appointment for your first treatment session?

Feel free to call or send me a message on WhatsApp.