The Sacred 7

STUDIO USERS: Practices & Video Shorts

7 Things to care for at the SΛNCTUΛRY

Be mindful that the SΛNCTUΛRY is a shared space. Below are the housekeeping tips for keeping our space sharable and safe for everyone. 

1. Wipe down surfaces, mirrors and windows before you leave. Cleaning supplies can be found in the cabinets underneath the sink. 

2. Store valuables in the cubbies or lockers. Place any lost items in the "Lost & Found" bin. No outside shoes are permiited in the studios.

3. Before you leave, check to see if all speakers, thermostats, air filter, and TV are turned off. 

4. Close and lock all windows.

5. Tidy up the studio, lobby space, dressing rooms, and kitchen floors. 

*Vaccum can be found by the sound mixer in the studio. The battery for it can be found by the front desk if it is not already attached to the vaccum. 

6. Notify the front desk if the bathroom isn’t clean.  

7. Bring personal food/drink home.