Activism Against Gun Violence 


    Tuesday, May 14, 2024 @ 4 PM - 5:30 PM 


Join us for an engaging conversation based on the screening of "Bout Mine I Matter Full Circle”-  a succinct documentary focusing on the profound experiences of three individuals: a survivor of gun violence, a person directly impacted by such violence, and activists with a history of incarceration. The event features a panel discussion and reception with youth participants and activists featured in the documentary.

Meet the Sponsors: 


The Office of School and Community Engagement 

@ Penn GSE

The Office of School and Community Engagement (OSCE) at Penn GSE directly supports the mission of the School and the University in engaging meaningfully, intentionally, and with documented impact with the city of Philadelphia. Our aim is to facilitate and support partnerships with schools and communities in order to improve the educational outcomes and overall wellbeing of children and youth in Philadelphia.


The Hub for Equity, Anti-Oppression, Research, and Development 

@ Penn GSE

Founded in 2018, the purpose of The Hub for Equity, Anti-Oppression, Research, and Development (HEARD) is to organize professional events and scholarship that addresses issues related to racial literacy, systemic racism, gender equity, and linguistic diversity across diverse perspectives of the Penn community. 

Gerald Campano, Ph.D. 

Dr. Gerald Campano 

Professor in Writing Reading, and Literacy Department

Learning, Teaching, and Literacies Division 

Co-Editor of Research in the Teaching of English, 

Co-Convenor of the Ethnography in Education Research Forum

Co-Principal Investigator, PEACE Institute 

Co-Director of HEARD

Graduate School of Education, 

University of Pennsylvania


Charlotte Jacobs, Ph.D. 

Adjunct Assistant Professor 

Director of 

Penn's Independent School Teaching Residency Program

Co-Director of HEARD

Graduate School of Education, 

University of Pennsylvania

Co-Founder, EnGenderED Research Collaborative


Yanil De La Rosa-Walcott, M.S.

STEAM Urban Educator & Mentor 

Co-Director of HEARD 

Research Assistant, PEACE Institute 

Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education, 

 Ed.D. Student

Graduate School of Education, 

University of Pennsylvania


Meruyert Bizhanova 

Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership, 

M.S. Ed. Candidate 

GAPSA International Student Affairs Committee Member 

University Council Honorary Degree Committee Member 

Research Assistant, HEARD

Graduate School of Education, 

University of Pennsylvania


 Meet the Moderator


Howard Stevenson, Ph.D.

Dr. Howard Stevenson is the Constance Clayton Professor of Urban Education, Professor of Africana Studies, in the Human Development & Quantitative Methods Division of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the Executive Director of the Racial Empowerment Collaborative, a research, program development, and training center that brings together community leaders, researchers, authority figures, families, and youth to study and promote racial literacy and health in schools and neighborhoods. From 2015 to 2021, he was co-director of Forward Promise, a national philanthropy office that funds community-based organizations that help families of color heal, grow, and thrive above the trauma of historical and present-day dehumanization.

He received the 2020 Gittler Prize, by Brandeis University, for outstanding and lasting scholarly contributions to racial, ethnic, and/or religious relations. He was listed in the 2021 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings of the top university-based scholars in the United States who did the most to shape educational practice and policy. In 2021, Dr. Stevenson was elected to membership in the National Academy of Education (NAEd). The NAEd advances high-quality education research and its use in policy and practice and consists of U.S. and international associates who are elected on the basis of outstanding scholarship related to education.

Meet the Panelists