STReTCH Seminar

The Seleted Topics Related To Cubics and Hyperkählers seminar will take place Wednesdays 1:30-2:30 in the HIM lecture hall, with an exceptional meeting 1:00-2:00pm on September 27.

The first goal of the seminar is to understand the construction of Laza-Saccà-Voisin (LSV, The future directions of the semianr will be determined by the interests of the participants --- one possibility is to expose some of the material from the latter section of Huybrechts book on Geometry of Cubic Hypersurfaces.

If you would like to volunteer to speak, please contact the organizers (Jack jack.petok AT and Xuqiang qinx AT

Schedule of Talks

28 September - Anna Abasheva - The Intermediate Jacobian as a Prym Variety

4 October - Organizational meeting (short due to Panorama)

11 October - Lisa Marquand-An overview of the LSV construction

18 October- Jack Petok - LSV:  Hyperkahler structure

25 October- Moritz Hartlieb- LSV: Pfaffians and OG10 type 

1 November- Xuqiang Qin - LLSvS Eightfolds

8 November- No seminar (derived workshop)

15 November - Richard Haburcak - Torelli theorems for cubic threefolds. 

22 November- No seminar (birational workshop)

29 November- Pablo Magni - Hassett's associated special cubic fourfolds

6 December- Sarah Frei - TBD

13 December- Shizhuo Zhang - TBD