Redefining "Healthcare" with mmWave Radar

Vital Sign Monitoring

In decades, the vital sign measurement was via body contact equipment and devices to be accurate. Today, with minor movement from human's chest or body, the milli-meter's vibration captured by mmWave Radar can be accurately transforming to Heart Rate and Breathing Rate through algorithm.

Fall Management

Falls are the major cause of injuries for the elders all over the world, and directly create medical cost to hospital, care center and family. With high resolution of point cloud from mmWave Radar, the human body's movement and presence can be accurately detected.

SmartCaring T60




Over the Air

Respiration Rate Heart Rate Body Movement Body Temperature Vital Signs AI Analysis Monitoring & Notification

SmartCaring T60 for COVID-19 Acute/LTC, with mmWave Radar Technology, provide non-contact, autonomous and continuous Vital Signs monitoring (Rest Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Body Temperature) during patient’s still motion on beds and Vacancy Alerts.