Surgical Treatment and Recovery Strategies for Gynecomastia

Some male chest swells up just like the breasts of a woman because of excess glandular tissue. This process is usually painless. It appears as a rubbery lump beneath the surface of the nipple. In the young makes, having a chest that resembles a breast becomes a great deal of embarrassment. Due to extreme psychological stress, it becomes necessary to undergo a Gynecomastia Surgery Bangalore to make things good. It makes you feel more confident and you may end up staying more relaxed after this treatment.

What is a gynecomastia surgery?

In a gynecomastia surgery, the doctor removes the extra tissue permanently. Gynecomastia is characterized by fatty tissue. It can give the impression of fat without being affected by exercise or dietary changes.

Male chest reduction surgery or gynecomastia is a process used to treat oversized or overdeveloped breasts in men. Surgery options are there to treat the problem. A lot of people visit the best Gynecomastia Doctor in Bangalore and get treated every year. This is a permanent process that reduces chest volume in men.

Surgical treatments of gynecomastia:

Gynecomastia treatment restores a regular male contour and treats nipple and chest malformations. There are two surgical Gynecomastia Treatment in Bangalore - excision and liposuction. The treatments are done under tumescent anesthesia.

1.      Liposuction technique:

If gynecomastia is primarily caused by extra fatty tissue, then liposuction treatments are used. A cannula, a tiny hollow tube, is inserted via different small incisions to accomplish the process. Then, the equipment is pushed back and forth. The purpose is to release the excess fat. The fat is vacuum-suctioned out of the body. A lot of liposuction strategies can be performed.

2.      Excision technique:

An excision process is very important when extra skin or glandular breast tissue needs to be removed to address gynecomastia. In case, the areola is to be reduced or moved to a more masculine contour, the excision is needed again. The incision patterns may vary based on the situation and the preference of the surgeon.

Recovery process:

During the recovery time of gynecomastia treatment, bandages or dressings are applied to the incisions. An elastic support or bandage garment can minimize swelling. Also, it supports the new chest contour because it heals after surgery.

To drain the extra fluid, you can place a tin and a small tube beneath the skin. The doctors will give you instructions on caring for the surgical site. They will guide you on oral drugs to aid healing and minimize the risk of infection. They will look for more particular problems in your health triggered by the saggy chest. Also, you must ask your plastic surgeon certain specific questions about what to expect during the recovery period after gynecomastia surgery. 


We all want to feel confident but because of health problems, we fail to do so. In case you are suffering from gynecomastia, you may contact Surgiderma for effective gynecomastia surgery to remove extra breast tissue because the clinic offers a dedicated gynecological department with skilled surgeons and staff.