St Peter's


We are a vibrant Christian community in the heart of the very English village of Englishcombe.

We have been WORSHIPING on this site for over a thousand years, and celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord with a mixture of traditional and modern worship.

Our principal service every other Sunday is held at 11.15 am.

Our rector, the Rev Dr Catherine Sourbut-Groves, can be contacted on 01225 478952.

About us

We are a vibrant Christian community in the heart of the very English village of Englishcombe. We have been worshiping on this site for over a thousand years, and celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord with a mixture of traditional and modern worship. Our principal service every other Sunday is held at 11.15 am. Our rector, the Rev Dr Catherine Sourbut-Groves, can be contacted on 01225 478952.

Our Worship

St Peter’s Church in Englishcombe has an active worship programme. The major Sunday service is held at 11.15 am on alternate Sundays in the month. Whether you are young or old(er), whether you are a regular churchgoer or a first-timer, whether you live in our Parish or are a visitor from further afield, we extend a very warm welcome to you at all our services. Do join us -- no appointment necessary!


Are you thinking of getting married or have friends who are thinking of doing so? Call Catherine on 01225 478952

We conduct ceremonies for the blessed sacrament of marriage in our historic church both for parishioners and those with a positive link to Englishcombe in the past.

Talk to our Vicar, Catherine, well in advance to discuss the options open to you.

We have a rich and varied history and a beautiful church

a full description is available by CLICKING HERE

About Us

St Peter's Englishcombe is a Christian community based in a lovely setting in the heart of Englishcombe, just three miles from the center of Bath.

We are part of the Diocese of Bath and Wells.

Should you want to know more about our past members, a full transcription of all the gravestone memorials in our churchyard is available here.

The latest version of St Peter's Newsletter is available here.