Story Completion Tasks

Scenario 1: 

During this summer break, Charlie’s university has implemented an intelligent AI Robot with an education system which will assist teaching. It is the first lecture of this semester. Charlie walks into the classroom. He heard his classmates whispering: There will be an In-Class Monitoring by using the Classroom Behavior Analysis System:

Now the class bell rings, Charlie feels … 

Scenario 2: 

The lecturer said: “let’s have a group discussion”. Charlie then heard another whisper from his classmates:

Now the classroom becomes noisy and full of conversations, Charlie …

Scenario 3: 

On another day, Charlie learns that there is a digital “Education Profile” for every student. All their education-related data (data of in-class emotion, voice, face, gesture, academic score, etc.) will all kept in the “Education Profile” and will provide real-time analysis during class:

 Later that day Charlie is in a group exercise on algebra, on a topic he finds quite hard. He knows the Education Profile is going to be used to see how he and his class are doing …. What happens next?

Table 1. Story Prompts Justification – Proposed or Existing AIEd Artifacts

Reference List:

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