Открытое письмо ученых-политологов


Open appeal of political scientists

(Scroll down for English)

Мы, сообщество политологов, работающих в университетах и научно-исследовательских центрах в России и за ее пределами, солидарны с обращением наших коллег - экономистов, протестующих против войны


Мы заявляем решительный протест против войны, начатой 24 февраля 2022 года российской властью против Украины. Мы требуем немедленного прекращения боевых действий и вывода российских войск из Украины.

Нападение на Украину – это акт безосновательной агрессии против соседнего суверенного государства.

Война – это катастрофа для народов обеих стран. Это невосполнимые потери человеческих жизней, как военных, так и мирных жителей, а также неизлечимые психологические травмы для переживших войну.

Мы считаем, что действия руководства России наносят огромный ущерб будущему России и всего мира. Развязывая войну против Украины, руководители России действуют против интересов российских граждан. Мы требуем немедленного прекращения агрессии!

27 февраля 2022 года

* Высказанное мнение является личным мнением подписавшего и не является официальной позицией университета или научно-исследовательского центра


We, the community of political scientists working at universities and research centers in Russia and abroad, stand in solidarity with the appeal of our fellow economists protesting against the war in Ukraine


We declare a strong protest against the war launched on February 24, 2022 by the Russian government against Ukraine. We demand an immediate cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.

The attack on Ukraine is an act of unreasonable aggression against a neighboring sovereign state.

The war is a catastrophe for the peoples of both countries. These are irreparable losses of human lives, both military and civilians, as well as incurable psychological traumas for survivors of the war.

We believe that the actions of the Russian leadership cause enormous damage to the future of Russia and the whole world. By starting a war against Ukraine, Russia's leaders are acting against the interests of Russian citizens. We demand an immediate cessation of aggression!

February 27, 2022

* The opinion expressed is the personal opinion of the signatory and is not the official position of the university or research centre


  1. Юрий Агафонов, политолог

  2. Елена Алексеенкова, кандидат политических наук

  3. Maxim Alyukov, PhD, research fellow, King’s Russia Institute, King’s College London

  4. Richard Arnold, Associate Professor of Political Science, Co-Advisor, International Affairs Major, Muskingum University

  5. Andrew Barnes, Kent State University

  6. Ирина Бусыгина, профессор НИУ «Высшая школа экономики» в Санкт-Петербурге

  7. Владимир Гельман, кандидат политических наук

  8. Григорий Голосов, доктор политических наук

  9. Dmitry Gorenburg, political scientist, Davis Center, Harvard University

  10. Keith Darden, Associate Professor, School of International Service, American University, Washington, DC

  11. Dinissa Duvanova, PhD, Associate Professor, International Relations, Lehigh University

  12. Лариса Дериглазова , доктор исторических наук, профессор, Томский государственный университет

  13. Olga Dovbysh, postdoctoral researcher, University of Helsinki

  14. Виталий Елизаров, кандидат политических наук

  15. Роман Евстифеев, доктор политических наук

  16. Игорь Зевелев, доктор политических наук

  17. Юлия Зеликова, кандидат социологических наук, доцент СЗИУ РАНХиГС

  18. Robert Franzese, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Michigan

  19. Julie George, Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY

  20. Henry Hale, George Washington University

  21. Stephen E. Hanson, Lettie Pate Evans Professor of Government, William & Mary

  22. Yoshiko M. Herrera, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  23. Михаил Ильин, доктор политических наук, профессор

  24. Nicholas James, DPhil, University of Oxford

  25. Juliet Johnson, Professor, McGill University

  26. Pauline Jones, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Michigan

  27. Кирилл Калинин, Ph.D. по политологии, исследователь, Гуверовский институт, Стэнфордский университет

  28. Эмиль Камалов, кандидат философских наук, аспирант факультета политических и социальных наук European University Institute

  29. Anni Kangas, PhD, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Tampere University

  30. Marina Khmelnitskaya, DPhil, Research fellow, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki

  31. Stanislav Klimovich, research fellow, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Potsdam

  32. Виталий Ковин, к.и.н., доцент, с.н.с. Отдела по исследованию политических институтов и процессов ПФИЦ УрО РАН, Пермь

  33. Юрий Коргунюк, доктор политических наук

  34. Александр Либман, профессор, Берлинский свободный университет

  35. Anna Litvinenko, postdoctoral researcher, Freie Universität Berlin

  36. Andrei S. Markovits, Professor, University of Michigan

  37. Lauren A. McCarthy, Associate Professor of Political Science and Legal Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  38. Andrey Makarychev, Professor of Regional Political Studies, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Science, University of Tartu

  39. Ольга Малинова, доктор философских наук, профессор

  40. Sirke Mäkinen, university lecturer, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki

  41. Елена Мелешкина, главный научный сотрудник ИНИОН РАН, доктор политических наук

  42. Ryhor Nizhnikau, Finnish Institute of International Affairs

  43. Мария Ноженко, кандидат политических наук

  44. Atsushi Ogushi, Professor, Department of Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

  45. Teemu Oivo, researcher, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland

  46. Mariya Y. Omelicheva, Professor of Strategy, National War College, National Defense University, Washington, D.C.

  47. Judith Pallot, professor, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Professor (emeritus) University of Oxford

  48. Neil Robinson, Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick, Ireland

  49. Кирилл Рогов, вице-президент Фонда "Либеральная миссия"

  50. Татьяна Ромашко, аспирант университета Ювяскюля, Финляндия

  51. Евгений Рощин, PhD, кандидат политических наук, доцент

  52. Сергей Рыженков, политолог

  53. Андрей Семенов, кандидат политических наук, доцент, старший научный сотрудник ЦСИПИ

  54. Galina Selivanova, Researcher, Forum Internationale, Wissenschaft, Universität Bonn

  55. Maria Snegovaya, political scientist, postdoc at Virginia Tech

  56. Katie Stewart, Assistant Professor of Political Science & IR, Knox College

  57. Александр Сунгуров, доктор политических наук

  58. Ronald Grigor Suny, William H. Sewell Jr. Distinguished Professor of History, Professor of Political Science, The University of Michigan

  59. Анна Тарасенко, кандидат политических наук, доцент НИУ ВШЭ (СПб)

  60. Brian Taylor, Professor of Political Science, Maxwell School, Syracuse University

  61. Татьяна Ткачева, научный сотрудник, НИУ ВШЭ

  62. George Tsebelis, Anatol Rapoport Collegiate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan

  63. Михаил Турченко, кандидат политических наук, доцент ЕУСПб

  64. Александр Тэвдой-Бурмули, кандидат политических наук, доцент

  65. Judy Twigg, Professor of Political Science, Virginia Commonwealth University

  66. Elina Viljanen, post doctoral scholar, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki

  67. Марк Урнов, доктор политических наук

  68. Михаил Филиппов, Professor, Binghamton University

  69. Кирилл Фокин, аспирант НИУ ВШЭ

  70. Елена Цумарова, кандидат политических наук

  71. Станислав Шкель, доктор политических наук

  72. Андрей Щербак, кандидат политических наук

  73. Kenneth Wilson, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Dongguk University-Seoul, South Korea

  74. Майя Ядова, кандидат социологических наук

  75. Глеб Яровой, кандидат политических наук, Университет Восточной Финляндии

    -- Under this line the signatures are not given in alphabetical order --

  1. Margarita Zavadskaya, researcher, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, European university at St. Petersburg

  2. Иван Курилла, доктор исторических наук, профессор по кафедре международных отношений, регионоведения и политологии

  3. Debra Javeline, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  4. Simon Weschle, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Maxwell School, Syracuse University

  5. Narendra Subramanian, Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Political Science, McGill University

  6. Robert Orttung, George Washington University

  7. Valerie Sperling, Professor of Political Science, Clark University (Worcester, Massachusetts)

  8. Hossein Bashiriyeh, Syracuse University, NY. US

  9. Renée de Nevers, Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs, Maxwell School, Syracuse University

  10. Susanne Wengle, Associate Prof.; Dept. of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  11. Anna Getmansky, Assistant Professor, International Relations Department, London School of Economics and Political Science

  12. Евгений Седашов, Ph.D. по политическим наукам, доцент

  13. Eric McGlinchey, Associate Professor, George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government

  14. Kimberly Marten, Professor of Political Science, Barnard College, Columbia University

  15. Anastasia Kalk, Teaching Fellow, Department of Politics, Eugene Lang College, New School

  16. Shana Kushner Gadarian, Professor, Political Science, Syracuse University

  17. Jordan Gans-Morse, Associate Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University

  18. Диана Рафаилова, аспирантка, факультет политических и социальных наук в European University Institute

  19. Valeriia Umanets, Ph.D. candidate at University of Wisconsin–Madison

  20. Юлия Халикова, PhD, postdoctoral researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  21. Anne Pitcher, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Michigan

  22. Konstantinos Kostagiannis, доцент СЗИУ РАНХиГС

  23. James Richter, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine

  24. Stephen Crowley, Professor, Department of Politics, Oberlin College, USA

  25. Danielle N. Lussier, Associate Professor of Political Science, Grinnell College

  26. Marc Blecher, James Monroe Professor of Politics and Professor of East Asian Studies, Department of Politics, Oberlin College

  27. David Forrest, Assistant Professor of Politics, Oberlin College

  28. Joseph M. Parent, Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  29. Michael Hoffman, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  30. Karrie Koesel, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  31. Scott Radnitz, Associate Professor of Russian and Eurasian Studies, University of Washington

  32. Susan D. Collins, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

  33. Alvin B. Tillery, Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University

  34. Catherine Lu, Professor of Political Science, Director of Graduate Studies, Director of the Yan P. Lin Centre, McGill University

  35. Наталья Ковыляева, докторантка, Университет Тарту

  36. Vittorio Hosle, Professor, University of Notre Dame

  37. Anton Shirikov, PhD candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  38. Jane Fountain, Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  39. Robert C. Johansen, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  40. Keith J. Bybee, Professor of Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University

  41. Dovile Budryte, Professor of Political Science, Georgia Gwinnett College

  42. Николай Розов, доктор философских наук, профессор

  43. Geoff Layman, Professor and Chairperson, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  44. Елена Горбачева, аспирантка, Алексантери Институт, Хельсинкский Университет

  45. Peri E. Arnold, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  46. Dan Lindley, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  47. Ana Arjona, Associate Professor, Political Science, Northwestern University

  48. Ernesto Verdeja, Associate Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, USA

  49. Timothy Frye, Marshall D. Shulman Professor of Post-Soviet Foreign Policy at Columbia University

  50. Michael Coppedge, Kellogg Institute, Hesburgh Center, University of Notre Dame

  51. Алексей Гилев, кандидат политических наук

  52. Douglas Rice, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  53. Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, McGill University

  54. Jenna Bednar, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Michigan

  55. Вероника Шарова, кандидат политических наук

  56. Stephen Nelson, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Northwestern University

  57. Kelly McMann, Professor of Political Science, Case Western Reserve University

  58. Ekaterina Paustyan, postdoctoral researcher, University of Bremen

  59. Jason Seawright, Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Northwestern University

  60. Sharon S. Belli, PhD Candidate, Dept. of Political Science, University of Antwerp

  61. Natalia Forrat, postdoctoral researcher, University of Michigan

  62. Licínia Simão, Assistant Professor, University of Coimbra

  63. Евгения Митрохина, Ph.D. candidate at University of Wisconsin–Madison

  64. Sotirios A. Barber, Professor, Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  65. Stanislav Markus, Associate Professor, Department of International Business, University of South Carolina

  66. Laura Comini, PhD Student in Political Science at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor

  67. Carlene Edie, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  68. Victoria Tin-bor Hui, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  69. Scott Gehlbach, Professor, Department of Political Science and Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago

  70. Andrey Yushkov, PhD candidate, O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University

  71. Scott Mainwaring, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

  72. Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom, Professor of Political Science, University of British Columbia, Canada

  73. Lisa Gilson, Assistant Professor of Politics, Bates College

  74. Caress Schenk, Associate Professor, Nazarbayev University

  75. Дарья Казаринова, кандидат политических наук

  76. Stein Ugelvik Larsen, prof. emeritus, University of Bergen, Norway

  77. Рустам Бикметов, кандидат философских наук

  78. Александр Алексеев, младший научный сотрудник ИНИОН РАН, аспирант

  79. Inga Saikkonen, Academy of Finland Research Fellow, Åbo Akademi University

  80. Archie Brown, Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford

  81. Елизавета Потапова, PhD in political Science, Central European University

  82. Laura A. Henry, Professor of Government, Bowdoin College

  83. Hjalte Lokdam, LSE Fellow, International Relations Department, London School of Economics and Political Science.

  84. Daniel McDowell, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Syracuse University

  85. Yuri M. Zhukov, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan

  86. Matthew Evangelista, Professor, Cornell University

  87. Regina Smyth, Professor, Political Science, Indiana University

  88. Clarisa Pérez-Armendáriz, Associate Professor of Politics, Bates College

  89. Lawrence P. Markowitz, Professor of Political Science, Rowan University

  90. Mark Kramer, Harvard University

  91. Ayşe Zarakol, Professor of International Relations, University of Cambridge

  92. Guzel Garifullina, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Rochester

  93. Julia Baumann, research fellow, Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science, University of Munich

  94. Dmitrii Kofanov, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Barcelona

  95. Gulnaz Sharafutdinova, Professor, Russia Institute, King's College London

  96. Paul Chaisty, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

  97. Amanda Zadorian, Visiting Assistant Professor of Politics, Oberlin College

  98. Erik Herron, Eberly Family Distinguished Professor of Political Science, West Virginia University

  99. Petra Stykow, Professor of Political Science, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich

  100. Matthew E.K. Hall, Ph.D., Director, Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy, University of Notre Dame

  101. Oxana Shevel, associate professor of political science, Tufts University

  102. Sergey Sanovich, Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University

  103. Alex Pravda, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, University of Oxford

  104. Brian Schaffner, Newhouse Professor of Civic Studies, Department of Political Science & Tisch College, Tufts University

  105. Elizabeth J. Remick, Associate Professor, Political Science, Tufts University

  106. Malik Mufti, Professor of Political Science, Tufts University

  107. Peter Levine, Political Science and Tisch College, Tufts University

  108. Consuelo Cruz, Associte Professor, Political Science, Tufts University

  109. Egor Lazarev, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Yale University

  110. Александр Шерстобитов, кандидат политических наук, независимый исследователь

  111. Elissa Berwick, Assistant Professor, McGill University

  112. Vlad Kravtsov, Assistant Professor of Political Science & Law, Spring Hill College, USA

  113. Juan Wang, associate professor, McGill University

  114. Janet Elise Johnson, Professor, Political Science & Women’s/Gender Studies, Brooklyn College, City University of New York

  115. Rex Brynen, McGill University

  116. Aaron Erlich, Assistant Professor, Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, Department of Political Science, McGill University

  117. Kelly M. Greenhill, Visiting Professor, SOAS, UK

  118. Colin Johnson, Assistant Professor, Idaho State University

  119. Scott A. Boykin, Associate Professor of Political Science, Georgia Gwinnett College

  120. Elina Zorina, PhD candidate in Political Science at Leiden University, the Netherlands

  121. Richard C. Eichenberg, Associate Professor of Political Science, Tufts University

  122. Edie Goldenberg, Professor Emerita, Political Science, University of Michigan

  123. Mark Brockway, Faculty Fellow, Syracuse University

  124. Nimah Mazaheri, Associate Professor, Tufts University

  125. Kristina Mani, Professor of Politics, Oberlin College

  126. Heather Tafel, Associate Professor of Political Science, Grand Valley State University

  127. Александр Оболонский, д.ю.н., политолог

  128. Darren Walhof, Professor of Political Science, Grand Valley State University, USA

  129. Tatiana Lupacheva, PhD Candidate, University of Tartu

  130. Michelle Miller-Adams, Professor of Political Science, Grand Valley State University

  131. John Constantelos, Professor of Political Science, Grand Valley State University

  132. Константин Киселев, политолог, к.филос.н., депутат Екатеринбургской городской Думы

  133. Natasha Danilova, Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen

  134. Joshua A. Tucker, Professor of Politics, New York University

  135. Paul J. Cornish, Associate Professor of Political Scienceб Grand Valley State University

  136. Верченов Лев, бывший политолог, ИНИОН, теперь пенсионер

  137. Sharon Werning Rivera, Professor of Government, Hamilton College

  138. John Bartle, Associate Professor of Russian Studiesб Hamilton College

  139. Michael J. Tierney, George and Mary Hylton Professor of Government and International Relaitons, William & Mary

  140. Paula M. Pickering, Richard S. Perles Professor of Government, William & Mary

  141. Audie Klotz, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University

  142. Fernando Nunez-Mietz, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science at McGill University, Canada

  143. Jean Clipperton, Assistant Professor of Instruction, Departments of Political Science and Sociology, Northwestern University

  144. Елена Белокурова, кандидат политических наук
