Som befintlig kund till Stockholm Parkering har du mjlighet att administrera mnga av dina egna renden frn Mina Sidor. Hr kan du bland annat se dina fakturor, bestlla nycklar och sga upp din parkeringsplats.

Upplever du ett fel i ngon av vra anlggningar kan du felanmla detta direkt via knappen Kundservice nere i sidans hgra hrn och vlj felanmlan. Det gr ocks bra att ringa till oss dygnet runt.

Stockholm Parkering

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Samma parkeringsregler gller som fr vriga bilister. Om du till exempel har glmt din mobil eller om betalsystemet av ngon anledning inte r nbart r du skyldig att betala med annat giltigt betalningsstt.

Du som parkerar i Stockholm kommer att kunna betala din parkering med ett urval av betaltjnster frn andra bolag. Redan innan Betala P avvecklas finns det flera bolag som har avtal att slja parkeringstid till sina befintliga kunder t staden.

Antalet anvndare av tjnsten minskar och idag r det bara runt en tredjedel av de som parkerar p gatumark i Stockholm som anvnder Betala P. Drfr anses behovet av att staden ska ha en egen betaltjnst fr parkering ha minskat. Genom att verlta betalningen till leverantrer med vletablerade digitala lsningar skerstlls att utvecklingen kan anpassas till de behov som finns.

Nej. I det kommande systemet kommer inga extra avgifter tas ut utan staden kommer istllet att erstta leverantrerna fr varje parkeringskp. Om en kund dremot aktivt vljer tillggstjnster hos leverantren kan det medfra extra avgifter.

I en del av parkerings-apparna som drivs av privata fretag gr det idag inte att betala fr boendeparkering. Nr Betala P lggs ned kommer Stockholms stad att stlla krav p de bolag som har avtal med staden fr att slja parkering i Stockholms stad. Ett av kraven r att de sljer samtliga taxor, bde beskstaxor och boendetaxor.

Tcker City, Gamla Stan, de viktigaste huvudgatorna i innerstaden samt ett par mindre omrden vid Alviksplan och Stockholmsmssan. Avgift dygnet runt alla dagar. Mjlighet till boendeparkering finns, i vissa fall endast nattetid

This offer is valid when you are away 8 days during the period June 3 - August 27. Only valid for pre-booking. Reserved parking can be canceled free of charge up to 2 hours before your entry time. Limited number of parking spaces. Regular price SEK 349/day.

Park comfortably in SkyCity's heated garage adjacent to the terminals. This is a quick and convenient parking option for weekend and business travellers. Pre-book your parking today to guarantee a space. Please note that you can only park on the lower floor if you've pre-booked parking.

Express indoor is a comfortable solution if you want to park indoor next to the terminal. This is a quick and convenient parking option for families with children as well as weekend and business travellers. Pre-book your parking today to guarantee a space.

Pre-book a space in Swedavia's affordably priced long-term car parks. Please note that the buses to and from the P2 Beta and P3 Alfa car park stop at Terminal 4. The walk to Terminal 5 then takes about 7 minutes. Then the buses stop at Terminal 2.

Here you find parking spaces equipped with charging posts for electric cars and plug-in hybrids. All power is environmentally certified "green" electricity and is free. You park wherever there is a parking space specially marked with a sign for electric vehicles.

At Stockholm Arlanda Airport, there are a number of parking places for those of you with reduced mobility. If you need assistance from the multi-story car park to the terminal, you can contact us via our help points, which are located on the same level as the disabled parking facilities. Our help points are indicated by the following symbols.

If you park outside of regular hours, you should press the button at the entrance and register the date you return home. After that, you can stamp your ticket when you return home at one of the information desks.

Drop your car key off for safekeeping while you are on your trip. You can leave your car key at the customer service desk for parking in Terminal 5, floor 1.

When you park, make a note of where, in what area and what row number, you parked your car.

At Stockholm Arlanda Airport you can get help jump-starting your car if your battery has died at no charge. Jump-start service is available around the clock 365 days a year. For insurance liability reasons, you must connect the cables to your car yourself.

Jump-start service is not available for electric or hybrid cars.

In order for the system to reserve a space, a time must be entered for both entry and exit. You can arrive at the car park you booked up to 2 hours before the time you entered in your booking and exit up to 3 hours after the exit time you entered. You do not need to pay extra or change your booking if you stay within this timeframe.

No, you will not get assigned a specific parking space. Some of our parking lots have certain parking spaces are reserved for special parking needs, and these are clearly marked with signs. Besides these spaces, you are welcome to park in any parking space.

If you have pre-booked your parking, you'll find a link in your booking confirmation. There you'll find directions as well as GPS coordinates to your pre-booked parking.

If you have not pre-booked your parking, you'll find a map over our parking lots here.

No, you can also come here and select a parking space in an area where there is space available. However, special campaign prices are only available to people who have booked in advance on-line. With a booked space, you are guaranteed parking in the area you selected.

Your booking can be cancelled at no charge up to 2 hours before your booked entry time. No money is refunded for a late cancellation or for unused parking time. You can rebook up to 2 hours before your booked entry time.

Is your credit/debit card approved for contactless payment via Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay? Then you can pay by tapping your card and drive in and out of the car park with a tap. You can also drive in by taking a ticket and then pay for the ticket with a tap at an automated machine or at the exit gate.

Then you are charged the regular price for the area you parked in. So you should be very careful about checking that you are in the right parking area. Feel free to contact Customer Service using the intercom at the entrance to confirm that you have come to the parking area you booked. Then give the name of the parking area you booked a space in.

Information for accounting purposes and VAT is included in the booking confirmation. If you do not have a confirmation or need more information, you can contact customer service at +46 (0)10-109 68 00 or

No due to the expansion of Terminal 5, with for instance a new security control, there are no longer any bus stops at Terminal 5. If you are flying from or landing at Terminal 5, take the bus to/from Terminal 4.

Customer Service for Stockholm Arlanda's parking facilities is open around the clock, 365 days a year. Here you can get answers to your questions about parking at Stockholm Arlanda, for instance, driving directions and information about prices. They will also help guide you in booking parking on-line but will not make the actual booking for you themselves.

Gller endast vid frbokning nr du r bortrest 8 dygn. Parkera under perioden 3 juni - 27 augusti. Bokad parkering kan kostnadsfritt avbokas upp till 2 timmar innan ankomsttid. Begrnsat antal platser. Prisexemplet avser 8 dygn. Ord pris 349 kr/dygn. Parkering kan frbokas upp till 6 mnader framt i tiden.

Parkera bekvmt i SkyCitys varmgarage i direkt anslutning till terminalerna. Detta r ett snabbt och smidigt parkeringsalternativ fr weekend- och affrsresenren. Frboka din parkering idag fr garanterad plats. Observera att du som frbokat parkering endast kan parkera p nedre plan.

Frboka plats p Arlandas prisvrda lngtidsparkeringar. Observera att bussarna till och frn lngtidsparkeringarna P2 Beta och P3 Alfa stannar vid Terminal 4. Gngtiden till Terminal 5 r cirka 7 minuter. Drefter stannar bussarna vid Terminal 2.

P Stockholm Arlanda Airport finns ett flertal markerade parkeringsplatser fr dig med funktionsnedsttning. Behver du assistans frn parkeringshuset till terminalen kan du kontakta oss via vra Help points. De finns belgna p samma vningsplan dr parkering fr funktionsnedsatta finns. Vra help points r utmrkta med fljande symboler:

P Swedavias parkeringar r det mjligt att f kostnadsfri hjlp med att starta din bil om batteriet har laddat ur. Servicen erbjuds i den mn det finns tillgngliga resurser vilket inte alltid kan garanteras och gller inte fr elbilar och laddhybrider.

Fr att systemet ska kunna reservera en plats mste klockslag anges fr bde infart och utfart. Du kan inte boka parkering om det r mindre n 2 timmar till din planerade infart. Det r mjligt att kra ut frn parkeringen upp till 3 timmar efter din bokade utfart utan extra kostnad.

Om den frbokade parkeringstiden verskrids debiteras en tillggsavgift upp till maximal ordinarie tim- och dygnsavgift. Tillggsavgiften debiteras direkt med kort vid bommen vid utfarten frn parkeringen.

Platserna r inte platsspecifika. P ngra av vra parkeringar r vissa platser frhyrda eller reserverade fr srskilda tillstnd och de r tydligt uppmrkta med skyltning som pvisar det. Utver de platserna kan man st p valfri ledig plats.

Om du har frbokat din parkering finns det en lnk p bokningsbekrftelsen. Dr visas en vgbeskrivning samt GPS-koordinater till din frbokade parkering. 

Har du inte frbokat din parkering s hittar du en versiktskarta hr. 152ee80cbc

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