The Stock Average Calculator is a valuable tool for investors looking to manage their portfolio effectively. It aids in calculating the average share price, providing insights into optimizing investment strategies.

As an investor, you may encounter situations where a stock's price moves contrary to your expectations. For instance, you bought Reliance stocks with the anticipation of an upward trend. However, the market moves downward. Despite this, your faith in the stock persists. The Stock Average Calculator becomes essential in such scenarios, allowing you to strategically add more stocks to lower the average price.

Stock Average Price Calculator Excel Free Download

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Let's delve into the mechanics of the Stock Average Calculator. Consider a scenario where you purchased 10 stocks of Tata Motors at a price of 200 each. Subsequently, the stock's value decreases to 150. With confidence in Tata Motors' future prospects, you aim to reduce the average stock price by acquiring more shares. The calculator assists by determining how many additional stocks you need to purchase to bring the average closer to the current price. This tool, such as the Share Average Calculator by FinanceX, offers a user-friendly interface where you input your purchase details, and it provides you with the recalculated average price.

The average share price is the weighted average of different shares. Excel does not have any default function to calculate the weighted average. So, in this article, we will show how to calculate the average share price in Excel which is in other words calculating the weighted average of the shares.

The weighted average is a neat way to calculate the average of the items that have different quantities as well as prices. For example, you bought 4 apples at a unit price of $1.5 and 6 oranges at a unit price of $2. Then your average cost will be the weighted average of these two costs.

In this article, we will discuss 2 effective ways to calculate the average share price in Excel. Firstly, we will use the SUMPRODUCT function to do the task. Then, we will manually insert the formula of the weighted average to calculate the average share price.

The SUMPRODUCT function multiplies the values in the described ranges or arrays and then adds the multiplied values and returns them. In this method, we will use the function to calculate the average share prices.

The average trade price is the average price of all trades executed during a specific period of time. The average trade price is determined by adding up the prices of the transactions done over a specified time period and then dividing that total by the total number of trades.

In this article, we have discussed 2 different ways to calculate the average share price in Excel. These methods will help users to get the average share prices of different shares and, since it is a weighted average, they will be able to understand which share has the greatest weight among all the shares. Thank you for your time.

I would just need the last average price. I used =SUMIFS(C:C;B:B;F3) in the quantity cells. Is there a way to calculate the avg. price in a single cell? Or is it only possible using VBA? If it was only for buying stocks I could've also just used SUMIFS for the Avg Price column but since it's also for selling everything gets more complicated.

When you sell, the price you sell at does not matter for the determination of your average cost. You reduce the number of shares by the number of shares in the transaction, and you reduce the total cost by the (average price)*(number of shares in the transaction). This means that selling does not change the average price, just the number of shares.

I am not sure that thi is what you want but you must always work on purchases and stock to calculate your average. what I mean is that if you purchased 10 shares at 2.00 and 5 shares at 3 average will be as you calculated 2.33.

By directly using the demand standard variation formula in Excel, we get a demand standard deviation of 141.4 pieces per month. The average lead time is 1.15 months.

To get the safety stock quantity, we need to multiply the service factor Z by the demand standard deviation  and the square root of the lead time L.

Here we have a Lead Time standard deviation of 0.14 months.

To get the safety stock quantity, we need to multiply the service factor Z by the lead time standard deviation  and the average demand  (here, the average demand is the average sale. It would be different if we used a forecast demand).

I have a rather complicated formula question.

I am trying to calculate the average price for a number of share purchase and sale transactions for a number of companies.

In simple terms the problem is this:

Assume I buy 1000 shares in Company A for $10 per share. My average price is $10. Now if I sell 500 shares in Company A for $20, my average purchase price for the remaining 500 shares in my portfolio is still $10. If I now buy 500 shares at $20 then my average price for the 1000 shares I own changes to $15. 

That is a fairly simple calculation to do for a single company, but is rather complicated to try and put into a formula, and just getting this far would be a good result. Now assume that you have three companies and a number of purchase and sale transactions, all in a date order list (see attached file).

I am trying to construct a formula that calculates the rolling average purchase price for each of the companies in such a way that when I add to the list of transactions the average price updates (i.e. I don't want to have to sort the data or use a macro to perform the calculation).

I would be interested in whether the forumla would give the desired results. The reason being that the sale of shares should not affect the weighted average purchase price. If you use the example in the post above I was unable to get the result of $15 - it returned $20.

Signed up here just to help with this question...These guys have a nice average cost calculator you can download in excel format. The sheet is very handy for averaging into/out of a stock position. I use it myself...

If the stock price recovers to the 1st purchase price of $50.00, the total value of the investment will become $10,000.00 from an initial investment of $6,000.00.

Averaging down is a way to reduce your risk. Instead of buying all of your shares at once and hoping that the price will go up, you buy some shares at the current price, then buy more if the price goes down. This way, even if the stock doesn't go up very much, you'll still end up with more shares than you would have if you'd just bought all of them at once.

The volume-weighted average price (VWAP) is a measurement that shows the average price of a security, adjusted for its volume. It is calculated during a specific trading session by taking the total dollar value of trading in the security and dividing it by the volume of trades. The formula for calculating VWAP is cumulative typical price x volume divided by cumulative volume.

The volatility of a particular asset or security is thought to exhibit mean reversion over time. This means that if a security is uncharacteristically volatile, it should return eventually to its long-run average. Likewise, if it is subdued, its volatility should increase. Calculating historical volatility is how to arrive at this average or mean level."}},{"@type": "Question","name": "What Does the Volatility of a Stock Mean?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Volatility describes the speed and magnitude of price swings over a given period of time (often on an annualized basis). Highly volatile stocks experience large and swift price swings, and they are often considered to be riskier than less volatile stocks."}},{"@type": "Question","name": "Is High or Low Historical Volatility Better?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "For day traders and options traders, high volatility can provide more opportunities to move and out of positions or profit from volatility spikes. For most long-term buy-and-hold investors, however, lower volatility is often preferred."}}]}]}] Investing Stocks  Bonds  ETFs  Options and Derivatives  Commodities  Trading  FinTech and Automated Investing  Brokers  Fundamental Analysis  Technical Analysis  Markets  View All  Simulator Login / Portfolio  Trade  Research  My Games  Leaderboard  Banking Savings Accounts  Certificates of Deposit (CDs)  Money Market Accounts  Checking Accounts  View All  Personal Finance Budgeting and Saving  Personal Loans  Insurance  Mortgages  Credit and Debt  Student Loans  Taxes  Credit Cards  Financial Literacy  Retirement  View All  News Markets  Companies  Earnings  CD Rates  Mortgage Rates  Economy  Government  Crypto  ETFs  Personal Finance  View All  Reviews Best Online Brokers  Best Savings Rates  Best CD Rates  Best Life Insurance  Best Personal Loans  Best Mortgage Rates  Best Money Market Accounts  Best Auto Loan Rates  Best Credit Repair Companies  Best Credit Cards  View All  Academy Investing for Beginners  Trading for Beginners  Become a Day Trader  Technical Analysis  All Investing Courses  All Trading Courses  View All LiveSearchSearchPlease fill out this field.SearchSearchPlease fill out this field.InvestingInvesting Stocks  Bonds  ETFs  Options and Derivatives  Commodities  Trading  FinTech and Automated Investing  Brokers  Fundamental Analysis  Technical Analysis  Markets  View All SimulatorSimulator Login / Portfolio  Trade  Research  My Games  Leaderboard BankingBanking Savings Accounts  Certificates of Deposit (CDs)  Money Market Accounts  Checking Accounts  View All Personal FinancePersonal Finance Budgeting and Saving  Personal Loans  Insurance  Mortgages  Credit and Debt  Student Loans  Taxes  Credit Cards  Financial Literacy  Retirement  View All NewsNews Markets  Companies  Earnings  CD Rates  Mortgage Rates  Economy  Government  Crypto  ETFs  Personal Finance  View All ReviewsReviews Best Online Brokers  Best Savings Rates  Best CD Rates  Best Life Insurance  Best Personal Loans  Best Mortgage Rates  Best Money Market Accounts  Best Auto Loan Rates  Best Credit Repair Companies  Best Credit Cards  View All AcademyAcademy Investing for Beginners  Trading for Beginners  Become a Day Trader  Technical Analysis  All Investing Courses  All Trading Courses  View All EconomyEconomy Government and Policy  Monetary Policy  Fiscal Policy  Economics  View All  Financial Terms  Newsletter  About Us Follow Us      Corporate FinanceFinancial RatiosHow Do You Calculate Volatility in Excel?ByClaire Boyte-White Full Bio Claire Boyte-White is the lead writer for, co-author of I Am Net Worthy, and an Investopedia contributor. Claire's expertise lies in corporate finance & accounting, mutual funds, retirement planning, and technical analysis.Learn about our editorial policiesUpdated April 30, 2023Reviewed by e24fc04721

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