At St. Mark's we want to show families reading the Bible together as part of our worship. We have a list of readings that your family can record reading that will be shown during Sunday worship as one of the day's lessons. Many of these readings are from the lectionary readings for the day.

Please consider signing up for a reading. You may submit your video at any time between now and the Saturday before the video is needed for Sunday's worship.

Click on the Sign-Up button to see the list of readings and sign-up.

Continue scrolling down for information about making a video.

There is a video submission form at the bottom of this page.

Making a Video

What You Need:

  • Smartphone or computer with video recording capability.

    1. The video must be set to 30 frames per second.

    2. The audio must be set to 44K or 48K.

    3. The file must be saved in mp3, mp4, mov, or AVI format.

  • The camera must record in landscape mode (side-to-side is longways, like a TV), not portrait mode.


  • Choose a Sunday to read.

  • Choose a Bible to read from.

    1. You can read from a Children's Bible or any other English translation that works for your family. If you'd like to view other translations, websites, such as offer many translations. For children and many adults the NIrV and the NIV contain the easiest language. During worship at St. Mark's we read the NRSV, which is written on a slightly higher reading level than the NIV.

  • Decide who in the family is reading, or who is reading which parts.

  • Practice the reading for fluidity.

Time to Record:

  • Check your background. This video will be part of St. Mark’s worship and considered public.

  • Not all microphones are created equally. Find one that produces the clearest possible sound. For example: stock Apple iPhone earbuds have a built-in mic that works well.

  • Turn on the camera (landscape mode is best), press record, get comfortable. Do not worry about space at the beginning or end. That will be edited out later.

  • Smile!

Submit Your Video:

  • Once you have a recording you like (it does not need to be perfect!), please upload it to the drive using the form below.

  • You are finished!

  • If you have any questions, contact Pastor Albert.

Thank you for participating!