Jonathan Savage

I'm the London Correspondent for Fox News Radio. I explain what's happening in the world to listeners in a wide variety of stations across the United States. So far in my career I've been a presenter and reporter on the BBC World Service, worked for BBC Scotland at Westminster, BBC Radio London and a whole host of other outlets. 

Left School

June 1998

Senior Phase

In S4 I achieved Standard Grade (SCQF level 5) in English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, German, Music and Modern Studies.

In S5/6 I achieved Highers (SCQF level 6) in English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Modern Studies and Geography and Certificate of S6 Studies (CSYS) (SCQF level 7) in Modern Studies.

Choosing your destination 

When talking to a careers councillor at Stirling High I half-heartedly suggested I might go into medicine. When it came to choosing a university degree I studied law. But deep down I always really wanted to be a journalist and broadcaster. I wrote to people in the industry, found out about their paths to success. What I discovered is that there is no paved road. You have to beat your own path using your own abilities and passions.

Extra Curricular & Work Experience

At school, I contributed to the pupil newspaper, High Times. I spent a week of work experience in the sport department at BBC Radio Scotland. I volunteered at hospital radio, commentating on Stirling Albion matches. But the most important thing I did was read up on everything that interested me - politics, international relations, 20th century history and the rest...

Skills I've developed

Courage is a skill and many of us have had to develop it. The courage to pick up the phone, to talk to a stranger, to sell yourself, to ask impertinent questions. The courage to say ""yes"" to opportunities you're not sure you're ready for, or that take you outside your comfort zone.

In my line of work, being able to write is crucial. More important than that however is the ability to RE-WRITE. There is no such thing as a perfect sentence, except perhaps this one. Wait. Should that be ""There's no such thing as a perfect sentence; except maybe this one.""? 

Be self-critical."

My Advice

I wish I had known that a lot of people in positions of power or high-esteem are there not because they are incredibly talented, but because they are incredibly confident.

My advice is to believe in yourself from Day 1, to try new things and to build great, genuine relationships wherever possible.

If you're absolutely sure you know what you want to do when you're young, great. If not, don't worry, there are a thousand pathways to professional fulfillment. Keep looking, and you'll find yours.