1 Rule Classroom
If what you are doing:
Interferes with learning
Hurts someone's heart OR
Prevents you from being your best self
Late Work
Late work will be accepted after one week and will receive a maximum of 75%, or a C. Poor quality work will receive 50%.
Paper assignments must have "late" written at the top and turned into the turn in basket.
Digital assignments should submit an email with their name, period, and specific assignment noted.
Absent Work
It is your responsibility to make up work after an absence. You can find missing work on Google Classroom, PowerSchool, my website, or by asking a classmate.
You will have as many days as you missed, plus 1, to turn in absent work. After that, your work will be subject to the late policy.
Absent work will be recorded as a 0, and marked as missing, in PowerSchool until it is turned in.
If you are absent, write “absent” at the top of assignments turned in after the due date, or type “absent” in the comments on Google Classroom. Otherwise you will receive “late” credit.