Scenarios Towards Integrating MUlti-scale Land-use tools

Objectives of the project

The objective of STIMUL Project is to assess the impacts of a reduction of 50% of mineral nitrogen fertilizers use in European agriculture.


  • Raja Chakir and Jean-Christophe Bureau (Paris Saclay Applied Economics, INRAE)

Multidisiplinary projet

  • Economists

  • Agronomists

  • Climatologist

  • Ecologists


  • Mobilizing a set of economic, crop, and biodiversity models allowing us to cover the local and the global scale of the impacts of halving N use in Europe. These models differ in their methodologies, the scale of interest and resolution, but they are very complementary and are all relevant for a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of halving mineral nitrogen in Europe in terms of land use change and leakage.

  • Accounting for different impacts: agronomic (yields), land use changes, economic (profit, welfare), carbon and biodiversity


  • This project received funding from l’Agence National de la Recherche as part of the ``Investments d’Avenir" Programme LabEx BASC ANR-11-LABX-0034