1 Corinthians 12: 12-13

As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.

Welcome To Confirmation Year 2!

The Sacrament of Confirmation is a wonderful gift that completes the work of grace God started in your child at their Baptism. Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, your Teen will be more perfectly united in the Church and Jesus Christ and given a special strengthening of the Holy Spirt. Just like the Apostles and Mary at Pentecost, they will be empowered to better spread and defend the Gospel through their words and deeds. This strengthening of the Holy Spirt is necessary for us as Christians to live life "to the full" as Jesus wants for us. (John 10:10)

Your Teen is not the only one in your family going through this preparation time. You the parent are also on this journey. The more reverence, respect and preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation we model as parents, the more our children will learn the power and importance of this Sacrament and our Catholic Faith.

For a better understanding of Confirmation and explaining it to your teen check out The Catechism of the Catholic Church online, pages 326-333 (paragraphs 1285-1321)

The following is what is going to be expected from your Candidate this year:

  1. Mass attendance is a requirement. With Bishop Lori doing away with the dispensation, we are asking that all of our students going through sacraments, Confirmation and Reconciliation/Eucharist, to fill out a mass card. They will be located in the back of the church. Please fill it out and give it to one of the Deacon's or Father Patrick. This will be a great way for Father Patrick to get to know more of the youth in our parish!

  2. Classes will be offered in-person only. We will meet two Sundays a month for 1 hour each Sunday. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. If you are not able to attend class, you will need to speak to Ms. Jess.

  3. The retreat will be a February 25-27 at the Bishop Claggett Center. The retreat is Mandatory. If you know that you cannot make it, please let me know ASAP so that we can find another retreat.

  4. There will be 3 times during the year that the Catechists will meet with each Confirmation student individually to check in to see how they are doing in their Faith journey. Once in November, then after the retreat, with the last being right before they receive the Sacrament.

  5. We are asking that each Candidate complete at least 10 hours of in-church/community service. Those hours can happen between July 1 2021 and April 10 2022 when the reflection paper on the service performed will be due.

  6. Each Candidate will be required to select a Saint and write a paper on that Saint. More info on how selecting a Saint will happen at a future class. That paper will be due March 20th 2022

  7. Each Candidate will also be required to write a letter of desire to be Confirmed to the Bishop due April 10th 2021. More info on that letter will be shared at the retreat.

Please carefully read and review everything on this site. The complete list of requirements, forms and due dates can be found on the Info Page. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have and questions or you would like to talk.

If your teen did not get Baptized at St. Ignatius, please send me a copy of their baptismal certificate as soon as possible, no later than December 5th 2021.

Check out the Parish Website for updates. Myself and the rest of the parish will be praying for you and walking with you on this journey!

Jess Temple

Youth Minister

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Ijamsville Maryland