23rd April 2021

Summer at St George's

The children have settled back into school well and the summer term is well underway. We've even had some lovely sunshine this week!

This week, the Key Stage Two children have been able to use the adventure playground (in their separate bubbles) again following repairs over the Easter break. They are really enjoying rediscovering the equipment and having a bit more space to play.

We have been busy planning for our St George's Day assembly on Friday afternoon; the school has been filled with dragons, flags and shields all week! Sadly we cannot invite parents to this year's celebration, which we are holding outside on the playground, but we will share some photos next week.

We are also going to be in the Gazette next week so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Cheque payment

Further to the email and newsletter last week: Please note that all cheque payments to school should now be made payable to St George's C of E Primary School. This includes payments for school meals and Wraparound care.

Internet Safety

The latest edition of the DITTO ESafety magazine has been uploaded to our school website. It can be found on the Esafety page here https://www.st-georges-pri.essex.sch.uk/e-safety/

St George's Day at St George's Church

Dear Friends,

We invite you to St George’s Church for Choral Evensong on St George’s Day, Friday 23rd April at 6pm. Our vocal quintet will be providing joyful music for us, including an anthem by Sir David Willcocks. At the end we will go into the churchyard to sing a hymn together.

The service will last 45 minutes and will be led by the Revd Laura Garnham and Canon Stephen Carter.

We look forward to seeing you.

Best wishes

Jenny and Gregory


Tea for (Class) Two

Class 2 have spent the week learning all about the story of St George and the dragon, and looking at how we celebrate St George’s Day. Since the weather has brightened up, we decided the perfect way for our class to celebrate would be to enjoy some scones and jam outside in the sunshine! We spent the beginning of the afternoon preparing our teatime treat and decorating some traditional bunting, before sitting down for our snack and then having extra playtime in the sunshine.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Class 3 have been started this term's topic all about film. They have studied various scenes from different movies. They have all had a role of being director, set designer and music co-ordinators and have created a film strip that shows the change in atmosphere and background design.

The children are thoroughly enjoying this topic and we are seeing some excellent writing as a result.

Stars of the Week

Class One

Lily - For making amazing progress in your independent writing

Crewe - For making super progress in your reading

Class Two

Anabel - for your independent Maths work on multiplication this week

Antoni - for making a great start at St George's and settling in well

Donovan - for enthusiastically retelling and writing the story of St George and the dragon

Class Three

Zachary - for putting so much effort into your writing

Sienna - for working so hard in all of your lessons - a model student!

Class Four

Henry - For more engagement with your learning

Amelie - For brimming with confidence in all areas of the curriculum

Lunchtime Stars:

Class One: Konon - for playing nicely with his friends

Class Two: Anna - for being a good friend and for lining up nicely

Class Three: Beau - for making a fantastic effort with eating your lunch and asking for help if you need it while playing outside

Class Four: Jake - for beautiful behaviour and manners.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Keitch