August 22 - August 24, 2025


 Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House

5353 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN  46226


For several decades, 90 men have gathered together for one weekend to share an experieince in fellowship that is like no other. It's hard to describe the best part of being at the retreat. Is it the time to reflect with friends or alone in a peaceful setting, the voices of recoverey we get to hear in the step presentations, sharing the recovery experience with our brothers in a deep meaningful way, the laughs we have as we gather outside on the terrace or at the dining tables, the food so wonderfully prepared by Fatima staff, or is it the all you can eat ice cream? We think it's all of that and more.

If you've never been to Fatima, we encourage you to come this year and see for yourself why so many of us  see the Men's 12 Steps to Recovery Weekend as one of the most important and enjoyable gifts we give ourselves each year.  ​We look forward to seeing you at Fatima this summer!


Click below to link directly to our online registration form: 


General Information

Participants begin checking in after 4:00pm on Friday afternoon. The retreat ends at noon on Sunday.

The first dinner is at 6:00pm and the retreat begins in earnest immediately after dinner. 

Presentations and breakout sessions continue on into Friday evening, all day Saturday  and then conclude around noon on Sunday.

Meals are served banquet style and are included in your registration. As is an unlimited supply of coffee, iced tea, lemonade and did we mention ice cream?

All participants are asked to remain at Fatima for the duration of the retreat, if possible. Part of the joy of this experieince is found in dicsonnecting for a couple of days from the outside pressures of life. This is easier to do, if you stick around.

Fatima is a nonsmoking facility. There are designated smoking/vaping areas available for those who smoke on the campus property.


Your accommodations at the retreat are included with your registration. The rooms at Fatima are simple but well appointed with comfortable beds and semi-private bathrooms.

There are more single rooms than double rooms. That said, some men will be rooming together. When you fill out your registration, if you have a roommate preference, it would be helpful to the retreat organizers, if you would list your preferred roommate by name, so we can make the appropriate pairing.

Registration and Fees

The fee for attending the retreat including all meals and accommodations is $205 per man.

To register for this year's retreat, simply click the link at the bottom of this page to be transferred to our online registration form. This is the best way to register.

If, however, you prefer to mail in your registration, send a request by contacting the leadership team and we can email a printable registration form to you. Send your request here:

We do have limited funds available for scholarships. If you are in need of partial or complete assistance, please indicate that on the registration form and a member of the leadership team will contact you. Likewise, if you are willing to contribute to the scholarship fund, there is a place on the form where you can indicate your support.

Payment information is listed below. You do not need to pay at the time of registration but full payment should be made within seven days of registration. You can send payment by one of the following. methods.


Mail your check for $205 payable to “Steps to Recovery” to the following address:

14798 Fawn Hollow Lane

Noblesville, IN 46060


Send your payment via your Venmo account by connecting here:


You must have an active Venmo account to use this service. Once you are logged in to your account, send your payment of $205 to:  


Please enter your name and the word “Fatima” in the memo line to ensure your payment is correctly credited to your registration!

Also, please do not tag your Venmo payment as being for goods and services. Also DO NOT select "Turn on for Purchases" as this means we are assessed a service fee.

If you have chosen to contribute to the scholarship fund, simply include the added funds to your payment. Any amount paid over the $205 registration fee, will be automatically attributed to the scholarship fund.

Other Questions? - Call a member of the 2025 Leadership Team

Bryce G: 314.602.3777

Robert J: 317.607.5338

Jeff C: 463.248.9080

Ryan J: 317.289.0255